Life Issues Vocabulary 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesLife IssuesVocabularyGCSEWJEC Created by: freyasellersCreated on: 15-05-16 09:54 Adultery Sex with someone other than their partner. 1 of 52 Afterlife The belief there is life after death; somewhere souls go when the body dies. 2 of 52 Agape Love or charity that does not depend on anything. 3 of 52 Agunot Women who have been deserted by their husbands and cannot gain a divorce (Judaism). 4 of 52 Annulment A declaration by the Church that a marriage never existed. 5 of 52 Assisted marriages Selection of marriage partner helped by parents/family members. 6 of 52 Awe Completely overwhelmed by a sense of God's presence. 7 of 52 Bet hayyim Cemetery, meaning "house of life" (Judaism). 8 of 52 Beth Din A group of rabbis who advise Jews on the correct way of living life according to scriptures (Judaism). 9 of 52 Betrothal Binding with a promise to marry. 10 of 52 Blessings Giving of favour or grace. 11 of 52 Campaign A series of actions intended to produce political or social change. 12 of 52 Celibacy Resolving not to marry. 13 of 52 Civil disobedience A form of political protest in which large numbers of people refuse to obey a law. 14 of 52 Cohabitation Living together without being married. 15 of 52 Commital Words said when a body is being buried or sent for cremation (Christianity). 16 of 52 Community A group of people with something in common. 17 of 52 Covenant A mutual and solemn agreement or contract. 18 of 52 Deity A term for God or a supreme being. 19 of 52 Dignity Having honour and respect. 20 of 52 Dominion Being in charge of the world for God. 21 of 52 Duty Something a person is obliged or required to do. 22 of 52 Eros Earthly or sexual love 23 of 52 Get Divorce (Judaism). 24 of 52 Humanae vitae Encyclical by Pope Paul VI reaffirming the Catholic teachings on issues concerning human life. 25 of 52 Humanity Caring for other human beings. 26 of 52 Influence Exercising power. 27 of 52 Interment Another word for burial (Christianity). 28 of 52 Ketubah A document defining rights and obligations within marriage (Judaism). 29 of 52 Lust Desire for sexual indulgence or passion. 30 of 52 Materialism The view that money, wealth and objects are very important. 31 of 52 Messiah The promised saviour sent by God. 32 of 52 Mezuzah A scroll placed on doorposts containing a section of the Torah (Judaism). 33 of 52 Mitzvah Duty; often used to describe good deeds (Judaism). 34 of 52 Ordained Making someone a priest or religious leader. 35 of 52 Philia Love of friends. 36 of 52 Prejudge To come to a view before having full knowledge. 37 of 52 Requiem Mass Celebrating Mass or Holy Communion for the dead at a funeral. 38 of 52 Sacrament An outward sign of an inward blessing (Christianity). 39 of 52 Sacred Consecrated or holy. 40 of 52 Shabbat Day of spritual renewal; Friday at sunset to nightfall on Saturday (Judaism). 41 of 52 Shema Major prayer affirming belief in One God (Judaism). 42 of 52 Stewardship To guard over something for the real owner. 43 of 52 Storge Love of things; objects, animals. 44 of 52 Symbolism Something that points to or explains something else. 45 of 52 Tikkun Olam Care for the world and environment (Judaism). 46 of 52 Transcendent Something that surpasses all human knowledge and experience. 47 of 52 Tzedeka An act of charity (Judaism). 48 of 52 Vocation Divine call for a career. 49 of 52 Vows Solemn promises or oaths made before God. 50 of 52 Yahrzeit Anniversary of a death (Judaism). 51 of 52 Zaccheus The chief tax collector in the New Testament (Christianity). 52 of 52
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