Life in Nazi Germany
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- Created by: jakemartin16
- Created on: 13-01-23 21:08
The Nazi Police State
Set up in 1933 - "Nazi Secret Police"
- Most feared!
Looked for enemies of the Nazi's. Did this by: Torturing, phone tapping, informers, searching mail, raids.
No uniforms - Could imprison you without trial.
160,000 arrested for political crimes.
- Most feared!
Looked for enemies of the Nazi's. Did this by: Torturing, phone tapping, informers, searching mail, raids.
No uniforms - Could imprison you without trial.
160,000 arrested for political crimes.
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The Nazi Police State
The **
The **
Personal Body Guards of Hitler.
Became a security force of 240,000 Ayrans under Himmler.
"Blackshirts" - Unlimited Power.
Ran Concentration Camps, put in charge of everything.
Became a security force of 240,000 Ayrans under Himmler.
"Blackshirts" - Unlimited Power.
Ran Concentration Camps, put in charge of everything.
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The Nazi Police State
Concentration Camps
Concentration Camps
First Camp in Dachau in 1933.
Ran by **. By 1933 over 150,000 were in them. At first they were used for political enemies then turned to execution camps for undesirables.
Beatings and murder were to re-educate the inmates.
Ran by **. By 1933 over 150,000 were in them. At first they were used for political enemies then turned to execution camps for undesirables.
Beatings and murder were to re-educate the inmates.
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The Nazi Police State
Legal System
Legal System
Nazi's controlled the legal system.
Enabling Act meant they could pass laws without opposition. "People's court" used with judges who swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler. No jury, Judge decided fate. 44 crimes became punishable of death.
534 executed.
Enabling Act meant they could pass laws without opposition. "People's court" used with judges who swore an oath of loyalty to Hitler. No jury, Judge decided fate. 44 crimes became punishable of death.
534 executed.
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The Nazi Police State
The SD
The SD
Security Force to monitor Nazi opponents.
Kept files of everyone suspected to oppose Hitler or the Nazi Party.
Kept files of everyone suspected to oppose Hitler or the Nazi Party.
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The Nazi Police State
Local Control
Local Control
Block Wardens in towns.
Gestapo used informers who would report anyone opposing Hitler or the Nazi's.
Gestapo used informers who would report anyone opposing Hitler or the Nazi's.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
Yearly Nuremburg Rallies to show Nazi Party and Unity.
1934 Rally, 200,000 attended, 20,000 Nazi Flags, Hitler read a speech.
1934 Rally, 200,000 attended, 20,000 Nazi Flags, Hitler read a speech.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
Propaganda in Film was key!
45 minute news reel of Nazi news in every film. Goebbels oversaw the production of the films.
1300 in total.
45 minute news reel of Nazi news in every film. Goebbels oversaw the production of the films.
1300 in total.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
Nazi's controlled all newspapers.
Journalists told to what to write about and Government would give them information to include. Anti Nazi Newspapers were shut down.
Journalists told to what to write about and Government would give them information to include. Anti Nazi Newspapers were shut down.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
Nazi's opposed the culture in Weimar Republic.
Reich Chamber of Culture (Ran by Goebbels) All followed the Nazi message.
Had to be members of the Chamber of Visual Arts. 42,000 joined. All art had to fit Nazi beliefs.
Music had to emphasise Nazi Culture.
Reich Chamber of Culture (Ran by Goebbels) All followed the Nazi message.
Had to be members of the Chamber of Visual Arts. 42,000 joined. All art had to fit Nazi beliefs.
Music had to emphasise Nazi Culture.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
1936 Olympics were to show Ayran superiority. (33 gold medals). Stadium largest in the world.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
Reich Radio Company controlled all stations.
Over 70% of houses had a cheap Nazi radio.
Foreign radio banned.
Hitlers speeches and history were common radio shows.
Loudspeakers were put up in streets.
Over 70% of houses had a cheap Nazi radio.
Foreign radio banned.
Hitlers speeches and history were common radio shows.
Loudspeakers were put up in streets.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
All anti-Nazi ideas were banned.
Millions of books burnt, Writers, film makers and artists could only produce pro Nazi arts.
Jazz music was banned as it was from the black culture.
Anti Nazi jokes were criminal and carried a fine or imprisonment.
Millions of books burnt, Writers, film makers and artists could only produce pro Nazi arts.
Jazz music was banned as it was from the black culture.
Anti Nazi jokes were criminal and carried a fine or imprisonment.
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Nazi Propaganda, Censorship, Fuhrer Cult
The Fuhrer Cult
The Fuhrer Cult
The Fuhrer Cult showed Hitler as superman and man of people.
Hitler was presented as a brave WW1 veteran, generous worker and fond of children.
Aim was for Germans to idolise and follow their leader.
Hitler pictures were everywhere.
Total and Utter obedi
Hitler was presented as a brave WW1 veteran, generous worker and fond of children.
Aim was for Germans to idolise and follow their leader.
Hitler pictures were everywhere.
Total and Utter obedi
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The Nazi's and the Church
Why did Hitler think religion was a threat to him?
Why did Hitler think religion was a threat to him?
Christianity was completely different to Hitler's views. They emphasised helping people and worshipping God but Hitler was about despising the weak and worshipping Hitler so he saw this as a big threat to him.
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The Nazi's and the Church
The Roman Catholic Church
The Concordat, July 1933
The Roman Catholic Church
The Concordat, July 1933
Hitler and Pope sign agreement to not interfere with each other.
Nazi attempt to keep 33 million on his side.
Nazi attempt to keep 33 million on his side.
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The Nazi's and the Church
The Roman Catholic Church
Hitler breaks the Concordat
The Roman Catholic Church
Hitler breaks the Concordat
Hitler did persecute Catholics.
Catholic Priests were sent to concentration camps.
Catholic schools put under Nazi control.
Catholic Youth League and other groups banned.
Catholic Priests were sent to concentration camps.
Catholic schools put under Nazi control.
Catholic Youth League and other groups banned.
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The Nazi's and the Church
The Roman Catholic Church
Further Persecution
The Roman Catholic Church
Further Persecution
1937, Pope criticizes the Nazi Regime and 400 priests sent to concentration camps.
All catholic schools shut down in 1939, monasteries closed, RE banned.
All catholic schools shut down in 1939, monasteries closed, RE banned.
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The Nazi's and the Church
The Protestant Church
German Faith Movement, 1934
The Protestant Church
German Faith Movement, 1934
1934, Nazi's set up own religion.
Replaced Christian teachings with Pagan ones.
Replaced Christian teachings with Pagan ones.
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The Nazi's and the Church
The Protestant Church
The Reich Church, 1936
The Protestant Church
The Reich Church, 1936
Nazi's set up Reich church, Ludwig Muller made Reich Bishop.
Bible replaced with Mein Kampf. Cross replaced with the Nazi swastika.
All Jewish Teachings and Old Testament were removed.
Bible replaced with Mein Kampf. Cross replaced with the Nazi swastika.
All Jewish Teachings and Old Testament were removed.
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The Nazi's and the Church
Did the Nazi's succeed in controlling the Church?
Did the Nazi's succeed in controlling the Church?
Nazi's didn't manage to fully control the Church.
Majority of Germans still practised their religion but kept quiet.
Managed to weaken the Churches resistance, Protestant churches were Nazified.
Still Opposition, Martin Niemollor set up PEL (Protestant E
Majority of Germans still practised their religion but kept quiet.
Managed to weaken the Churches resistance, Protestant churches were Nazified.
Still Opposition, Martin Niemollor set up PEL (Protestant E
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Opposition to the Nazi's
Youth Opposition
Youth Opposition
Nazi Youth Groups were compulsory, resistance amongst the youth were centred around Nazi control and the lack of freedom.
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Opposition to the Nazi's
The Edelweiss Pirates
The Edelweiss Pirates
Working class youths who used the symbol of the Edelweiss flower for resistance.
Resented the Hitler Youth and lack of freedom. Often grew hair long and wore American style clothing and make up.
Went on hikes and camping to avoid Nazi restrictions. Would
Resented the Hitler Youth and lack of freedom. Often grew hair long and wore American style clothing and make up.
Went on hikes and camping to avoid Nazi restrictions. Would
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Opposition to the Nazi's
The Swing Youth
The Swing Youth
Teenagers from wealthy families who admired American culture.
Listened to Jazz and swing music which was illegal.
Smoked and drunk alcohol in groups of parties of up to 6,000.
Himmler hated the Swing Youth.
Listened to Jazz and swing music which was illegal.
Smoked and drunk alcohol in groups of parties of up to 6,000.
Himmler hated the Swing Youth.
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Opposition to the Nazi's
Church Opposition
Church Opposition
1934, Confessors church was set up which opposed the Reich Church, 6000 pastors joined in opposition to the Nazi's, 800 were sent to camps.
Catholics spoke out against Nazi ideas but 400 were arrested and imprisoned.
Catholics spoke out against Nazi ideas but 400 were arrested and imprisoned.
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Opposition to the Nazi's
Martin Niemollor
Martin Niemollor
Set up the Pastors Emergency League, membership rose to 7000.
He said people must obey God, not Hitler.
He was arrested after being watched by the Gestapo and spent the war in a concentration camp until 1945.
He said people must obey God, not Hitler.
He was arrested after being watched by the Gestapo and spent the war in a concentration camp until 1945.
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Education
Nazi Education
Hitler had indoctrinated the youth into believing Nazi ideas and becoming loyal followers of Hitler.
1933, Bernhard Rust became the head of Nazi Education and National Culture.
1933, Bernhard Rust became the head of Nazi Education and National Culture.
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Education
Nazi Education
Children had to go to school until they were 14.
Separate schools for boys and girls.
Military school for boys, Domestic skills for girls.
PE lessons doubled, RE banned. All textbooks were rewritten to fit Nazi's view of history. Mein Kampf was a core tex
Separate schools for boys and girls.
Military school for boys, Domestic skills for girls.
PE lessons doubled, RE banned. All textbooks were rewritten to fit Nazi's view of history. Mein Kampf was a core tex
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Education
Nazi Education
Nazi ideas became included in all lessons:
History emphasised Germany's military success and blamed Jews for losing WW1.
Maths taught military tactics and how to solve the economic cost of the disabled.
Race studies pushed Nazi racial policies on Ayrans.
History emphasised Germany's military success and blamed Jews for losing WW1.
Maths taught military tactics and how to solve the economic cost of the disabled.
Race studies pushed Nazi racial policies on Ayrans.
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Nazi Youth
Jewish Children
Jewish Children
Jews were openly bullied by students and teachers. Germans were taught the racial weaknesses of Jews.
Jews were banned from schools in 1938.
Jews were banned from schools in 1938.
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Education (Teachers)
Nazi Education (Teachers)
Teachers had to join the Nazi Teachers Alliance. and had to teach the Nazi curriculum. The Nazi's also set up specialist "Leadership schools" to train future Nazi Leaders.
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Youth Groups
Nazi Youth Groups
Nazi's wanted to control all of their free time. They banned other youth organisations such as scouts and made their own.
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Youth Groups (Boys)
Nazi Youth Groups (Boys)
Age 6-10 = Pimpfe
Age 10-14 = German Young People (Cubs)
Age 14-18 = The Hitler Youth
Aims were to: Physical training for the military, Brainwashing Nazi ideas.
Activities included: Marching, camping, hiking, rifle shooting. They all had to swear an oath
Age 10-14 = German Young People (Cubs)
Age 14-18 = The Hitler Youth
Aims were to: Physical training for the military, Brainwashing Nazi ideas.
Activities included: Marching, camping, hiking, rifle shooting. They all had to swear an oath
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Nazi Youth
Nazi Youth Groups (Girls)
Nazi Youth Groups (Girls)
Age 10-14 = Young Girls League
Age 14-18 = League of German Girls
Aims were to: Prepare lives as women and mothers.
Activities included: Sports (had to run 60 metres in 14 seconds), Trained to cook, iron, sew and prepare for life as a housewife. Also taug
Age 14-18 = League of German Girls
Aims were to: Prepare lives as women and mothers.
Activities included: Sports (had to run 60 metres in 14 seconds), Trained to cook, iron, sew and prepare for life as a housewife. Also taug
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Nazi Youth
Were the Youth Groups successful?
Were the Youth Groups successful?
Yes: Millions joined the groups and went on to join the army and have Ayran Children.
No: Secret Anti-Nazi Youth Groups began to start. Thousands avoided meetings and felt it was too much like the military.
No: Secret Anti-Nazi Youth Groups began to start. Thousands avoided meetings and felt it was too much like the military.
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Women in Nazi Germany
Life before the Nazi's
Life before the Nazi's
Weimar Republic had a very progressive attitude to women's rights.
They could vote from 20, attend university and had professional careers.
They could vote from 20, attend university and had professional careers.
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Women in Nazi Germany
Aims of the Nazi's towards women
Aims of the Nazi's towards women
They would not work but stay at home and look after their families.
They were to breed more pure Ayran children.
The life of women should revolve around the Children, Church and Cooking.
They were to breed more pure Ayran children.
The life of women should revolve around the Children, Church and Cooking.
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Women in Nazi Germany
Changes to Women: Work
Changes to Women: Work
Women bribed by marriage credits and child bonuses not to work.
1933 - Banned from professional posts and civil servants.
Girls discouraged from going to university.
1937, Experienced a shortage of workers so made it compulsory that women had to work on f
1933 - Banned from professional posts and civil servants.
Girls discouraged from going to university.
1937, Experienced a shortage of workers so made it compulsory that women had to work on f
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Women in Nazi Germany
Changes to Women: Life
Changes to Women: Life
Women's Front and Reich Mother's Service set up to brainwash women.
Supposed to wear traditional women's uniforms.
Should not smoke but keep fit.
German Women's Enterprise organised classes and radio talks and trained women on housework and bringing up c
Supposed to wear traditional women's uniforms.
Should not smoke but keep fit.
German Women's Enterprise organised classes and radio talks and trained women on housework and bringing up c
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Women in Nazi Germany
Increasing Birth
Increasing Birth
The Mothers Cross:
Given out to reward women for having more children.
4 children = Bronze
6 children = Silver
8 or more = Gold
Given out to reward women for having more children.
4 children = Bronze
6 children = Silver
8 or more = Gold
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Women in Nazi Germany
Increasing Birth
Increasing Birth
Married couples were given a loan of 1000 marks. They could keep 250 marks for each child they had. If they had 4 children they would not have to pay anything.
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Women in Nazi Germany
Increasing Birth
Increasing Birth
Lebensborn Programme
Ayran women were encouraged to donate a child to the Fuhrer by getting pregnant with Ayran ** soldiers.
Ayran women were encouraged to donate a child to the Fuhrer by getting pregnant with Ayran ** soldiers.
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Women in Nazi Germany
Increasing Birth
Increasing Birth
Abortion and Contraception was banned.
1933, Sterilised Non - Ayran women so they could not have children.
Men and women who could not have children were allowed to get divorced.
1933, Sterilised Non - Ayran women so they could not have children.
Men and women who could not have children were allowed to get divorced.
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Women in Nazi Germany
Results of Nazi Policies towards Women
Results of Nazi Policies towards Women
In 1936, there were over 30% more births than in 1933.
Women liked being important in Germany, support for the Nazi's was high.
Marriage increased 21% between 1933-39.
Women liked being important in Germany, support for the Nazi's was high.
Marriage increased 21% between 1933-39.
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
Economic Conditions in 1933
Economic Conditions in 1933
Two major economic problems facing Germany:
- Mass unemployment.
- Economic depression ruined trade, business and production.
- Mass unemployment.
- Economic depression ruined trade, business and production.
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
The New Plan
The New Plan
1933, Hjalmar Schacht introduced his plan. The Nazi's begin to use a variety of methods to solve unemployment.
- National Labour Service.
- Rearmament
- Autobahns
- Invisible Unemployment
- National Labour Service.
- Rearmament
- Autobahns
- Invisible Unemployment
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
National Labour Service (RAD)
National Labour Service (RAD)
All young men between 18-25 had to join for 6 months, this was paid work to help Germany.
Given jobs in public works building public places.
Conditions not great, had to wear uniform and live in camps.
People complained of poor food and low pay.
Given jobs in public works building public places.
Conditions not great, had to wear uniform and live in camps.
People complained of poor food and low pay.
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
1935, Conscription introduced for 18-25 year olds. Army grew to 1.4 million by 1939.
Spending on arms and equipment rose from 3.5 billion to 26 billion marks. Caused a big need for workers.
1935, Over 72,000 workers were involved in aircraft construction
Spending on arms and equipment rose from 3.5 billion to 26 billion marks. Caused a big need for workers.
1935, Over 72,000 workers were involved in aircraft construction
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
Invisible Unemployment
Invisible Unemployment
Nazi's cheated unemployment statistics.
Women and Jews were forced to give up their jobs and they were gave to men. They were not included in the unemployment figures.
Those in prison and concentration camps were not included in the figures. Part time wor
Women and Jews were forced to give up their jobs and they were gave to men. They were not included in the unemployment figures.
Those in prison and concentration camps were not included in the figures. Part time wor
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
Autobahns was a key method in reducing unemployment.
Nazi's planned to build 7000 miles of motorways to improve transport. By 1935, 125,000 men were building new autobahns.
Spent over 38 billion marks on public works such as schools, hospitals to benefits
Nazi's planned to build 7000 miles of motorways to improve transport. By 1935, 125,000 men were building new autobahns.
Spent over 38 billion marks on public works such as schools, hospitals to benefits
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The Nazi Economy 1933-1939
The New Plan Results
The New Plan Results
Nazi's claimed to have solved unemployment.
Unemployment had dropped from 4.8 million to 300,000 by 1939. They had succeeded in their promise to bring work to Germans.
Historians believe that the Nazi's manipulated the system by sacking people and not inc
Unemployment had dropped from 4.8 million to 300,000 by 1939. They had succeeded in their promise to bring work to Germans.
Historians believe that the Nazi's manipulated the system by sacking people and not inc
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Workers in Nazi Germany
Improving Workers Lives
Improving Workers Lives
The German Labour Front (DAF)
Banned all trade unions on 2nd May 1933 as he thought they were a threat replaced it with the DAF.
Changes introduced by the DAF include:
Strikes were illegal, workers could not leave a job without permission, Workers couldn'
Banned all trade unions on 2nd May 1933 as he thought they were a threat replaced it with the DAF.
Changes introduced by the DAF include:
Strikes were illegal, workers could not leave a job without permission, Workers couldn'
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Workers in Nazi Germany
Improving Workers Lives
Improving Workers Lives
Strength Through Joy (KdF)
Set up by Nazi's to provide leisure activities for workers that everyone could afford.
Aimed to keep workers happy.
- Workers could go on luxury holidays for cheap.( A ski trip cost one weeks wages)
- Over 7 million people took
Set up by Nazi's to provide leisure activities for workers that everyone could afford.
Aimed to keep workers happy.
- Workers could go on luxury holidays for cheap.( A ski trip cost one weeks wages)
- Over 7 million people took
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Workers in Nazi Germany
Improving Workers Lives
Improving Workers Lives
Beauty of Labour
Campaigned for better facilities for workers such as better toilets, showers etc.
Gave companies financial help to improve buildings and safety like reducing noise, improving lighting.
Campaigned for better facilities for workers such as better toilets, showers etc.
Gave companies financial help to improve buildings and safety like reducing noise, improving lighting.
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Workers in Nazi Germany
Did German workers benefit under the Nazi's?
Did German workers benefit under the Nazi's?
- More people working, people had more money to spend, increased standard of living.
- Wages increased by 20% which meant workers had more to spend.
- The KdF offered workers opportunities that they could never afford and Beauty of Labour gave better
- More people working, people had more money to spend, increased standard of living.
- Wages increased by 20% which meant workers had more to spend.
- The KdF offered workers opportunities that they could never afford and Beauty of Labour gave better
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Workers in Nazi Germany
Did German workers benefit under the Nazi's?
Did German workers benefit under the Nazi's?
- Price of goods like food rose by 20% so the increase in wages were cancelled out.
- Lower earners struggled to buy goods with the increased prices.
Working hours increased on average from 43 hours a week to 49.
- Women and Jews were sacked from their
- Price of goods like food rose by 20% so the increase in wages were cancelled out.
- Lower earners struggled to buy goods with the increased prices.
Working hours increased on average from 43 hours a week to 49.
- Women and Jews were sacked from their
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Nazi Racial Beliefs
Nazi Racial Beliefs
Racial Purity was centre to Nazi ideas. German race was the master race others like Jews were sub humans.
Nazi's believed Germans were a race of pure Ayrans (blond, blue eyes and athletic).
He believed that Germany's future was dependent on the creation o
Nazi's believed Germans were a race of pure Ayrans (blond, blue eyes and athletic).
He believed that Germany's future was dependent on the creation o
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
The Disabled
The Disabled
1933, Nazi's passed Sterilisation Law forcibly sterilised mentally ill, alcoholics, deaf, blind or deformed. 400,000 sterilised by 1939.
1939, T4 Programmed where young people with mental/physical disabilities were killed by lethal injections. Over 5000 c
1939, T4 Programmed where young people with mental/physical disabilities were killed by lethal injections. Over 5000 c
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Nazi's believed homosexuals were immoral and lowered racial purity.
1935, Passed laws against homosexuality, 4000 arrested in 1936, Over 5000 sent to concentration camps.
1935, Passed laws against homosexuality, 4000 arrested in 1936, Over 5000 sent to concentration camps.
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
They were non-Ayrans and a threat to racial purity.
Seen as work-shy and did not fit in ideal Nazi life.
1935, Germans and Gypsies could not marry and between 1936-39, 35,000 Gypsies were rounded up and put into concentration camps.
Seen as work-shy and did not fit in ideal Nazi life.
1935, Germans and Gypsies could not marry and between 1936-39, 35,000 Gypsies were rounded up and put into concentration camps.
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
1st April 1933 - Boycott of Jewish Businesses.
1933 - Jews banned from public places and all government jobs.
September 1935 - The Nuremburg Laws (The Reich Law of Citizenship - Jews were not German citizens, couldn't vote), (The Law for Protection of Ger
1933 - Jews banned from public places and all government jobs.
September 1935 - The Nuremburg Laws (The Reich Law of Citizenship - Jews were not German citizens, couldn't vote), (The Law for Protection of Ger
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
1936 - Jews were banned from working as doctors, dentists and lawyers.
March 1938 - Jews had to register all their possessions making it easier for Nazi's to confiscate them.
July 1938 - Jews have to carry ID cards.
March 1938 - Jews had to register all their possessions making it easier for Nazi's to confiscate them.
July 1938 - Jews have to carry ID cards.
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
9-10th November 1938 - Kristallnacht
After murder of Nazi by Jews, Goebbels used it for the most violent, anti-Jewish action.
Nazi destroyed 7500 businesses, burned 400 synagogues, and sent 20,000 Jews to concentration camps.
100 Jews killed. Jews were fo
After murder of Nazi by Jews, Goebbels used it for the most violent, anti-Jewish action.
Nazi destroyed 7500 businesses, burned 400 synagogues, and sent 20,000 Jews to concentration camps.
100 Jews killed. Jews were fo
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
Key Dates and Events (Nazi Persecution of Jews)
December 1938 - Jews are banned from owning shops or businesses.
April 1939 - Jews can be evicted from homes for no reason.
November 1939 - Jews kicked out of school.
April 1939 - Jews can be evicted from homes for no reason.
November 1939 - Jews kicked out of school.
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Nazi Persecution of Minorities
Nazi Persecution of Jews Stats
Nazi Persecution of Jews Stats
1933, Over 437,000 Jews living in Germany, Hitler made it clear that he wanted Jews gone and anti-sematic actions started.
Nazi's discriminated against Jews in many ways such as work, education, propaganda.
By 1939, Nazi plan was to deport all Jews from
Nazi's discriminated against Jews in many ways such as work, education, propaganda.
By 1939, Nazi plan was to deport all Jews from
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
The Nazi Police State
The **
The **
Personal Body Guards of Hitler.
Became a security force of 240,000 Ayrans under Himmler.
"Blackshirts" - Unlimited Power.
Ran Concentration Camps, put in charge of everything.
Became a security force of 240,000 Ayrans under Himmler.
"Blackshirts" - Unlimited Power.
Ran Concentration Camps, put in charge of everything.
Card 3
The Nazi Police State
Concentration Camps
Concentration Camps

Card 4
The Nazi Police State
Legal System
Legal System

Card 5
The Nazi Police State
The SD
The SD

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