Life Cycle of a Star 0.0 / 5 ? PhysicsAstronomyGCSEAQA Created by: FreddieePalfCreated on: 21-03-18 09:25 The first stage in the life cycle of a star. Nebula 1 of 9 What is formed when gravity pulls the dust and gas together? Protostar 2 of 9 The long, stable period in the life cycle of a star. Main sequence star 3 of 9 When the hydrogen begins to run out, it swells into a... Red giant 4 of 9 What is formed after a red giant? White dwarf 5 of 9 What is formed after a white dwarf? Black dwarf 6 of 9 What comes after a red super giant? Supernova 7 of 9 What comes after a supernova? Neutron star or black hole 8 of 9 What element can be formed in the core of a red giant? Iron 9 of 9
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