Life and Death Glossary

  • Created by: Gaynor
  • Created on: 16-02-18 12:34
The belief that humans are purely physical beings with no supernatural dimension
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Natural 'form changing', as in the way a caterpillar becomes a butterfly
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The inner self of human beings that is believed to survive death
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The belief that Christians will mysteriously share in the bodily resurrection of Jesus
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Empty Tomb
The place where Jesus was laid after the crucifixion
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The return, or Second Coming, of Christ
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Humans are interconnected 'soul-body' creatures
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St Paul
A witness who met the risen Jesus and became Christianity's most important missionary
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From the Greek eschaton, meaning 'the end'
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Four Last Things
Traditional Catholic shorthand for 'death, judgement, heaven and hell'
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The end of a human being's earthly life
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A place of eternal happiness in communion with God
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A place of eternal unhappiness removed from the presence of God
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A place of preparation for eternal communion with God
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Beatific Vision
The joyful heavenly contemplation of God
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Assisted Suicide
Helping someone to end their own life
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'Good death' - giving medication to end a life
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Hippocratic Oath
A pledge taken by doctors to help patients, based upon a Greek oath from the fifth century BC
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Last Rites
Absolution, annointing of the sick and communion given to those who are dying
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Palliative Care
Care of the dying which has dignity, comfort and pain relief as its core aims
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Apostolic Succession
The line of bishops dating back to the first apostles, called by Christ
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General Council
When all the Bishops are called together with the Pope to discuss and debate
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The teaching authority of the Church exercised by the Pope and the bishops
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Extraordinary Magisterium
A General Council or papal infallibility
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Papal Infallibility
In consultation with the Church, popes can pronounce definitively on matters of faith and morals
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Ordinary Magisterium
What the Church has always taught
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Vatican II
A council of Catholic bishops that met in Rome between 1962 and 1965 and reshaped aspects of Church life
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Dei Verbum
Dogmatic Constitution on Divine Revelation
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Lumen Gentium
Dogmatic Constitution on the Church
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Sacrosantum Concilium
Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy
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Gaudium et Spes
Pastoral Constitution on the Church in the Modern world
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Alpha and Omega
The beginning and the end of the Greek alphabet, standing in Christian artwork for Christ as the First and the Last
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The triumphant hymn sung at the Easter Vigil
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Paschal Candle
The large decorated candle first lit at the Easter Vigil
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A decorated box-like tomb in a Church or sacred place
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Muscial notation for unaccompanied voices
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Hebrew poem or song of praise or lament in the Old Testament
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A cloth covering the coffin during the funeral Mass
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An act of remembrance
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'Rest in peace'
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Quiet contemplation and praise
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Personal prayer in your own words
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Set formulas of written prayers
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Praying for needs of oneself or others
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Jewish, Aramaic familiar term for God as Father
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Lord's Prayer/Our Father
The prayer Jesus taught his disiples in Matthew 6:9-13
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Natural 'form changing', as in the way a caterpillar becomes a butterfly



Card 3


The inner self of human beings that is believed to survive death


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


The belief that Christians will mysteriously share in the bodily resurrection of Jesus


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


The place where Jesus was laid after the crucifixion


Preview of the back of card 5
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