Home > A Level and IB > Religious Studies > Libertarianism - Incompatibilism (outline of views without Strengths and Weaknesses)
Libertarianism - Incompatibilism (outline of views without Strengths and Weaknesses)
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- Created by: Alasdair
- Created on: 17-04-17 12:54
Hard Determinism (v)
If determinism is true, we have no freewill. Determinism is true. Therefore, we have no freewill.
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Libertarianism (v)
If determinism is true, we have no freewill. We have freewill. Therefore, determinism is false.
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Freewill means
I could have acted differently.
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Freewill means
I was able to use reason and control my desires
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Freewill means
I cause events, they don't cause me to act
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Freewill means
When confronted with a choice, I make a genuinely free decision
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Freewill means
With freewill there is a gap in universal causality; causal laws do not apply to human reasoning which is outside natural order. Meaning I could have acted differently...
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View that as humans we have complete Moral responsibility.
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View does not reject Determinism altogether, maintains concept of Causation and idea inanimate world is mechanistic (laws are fixed so don't change).
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Do not accept view human behaviour is wholly determined. Human behaviour is different and separate from universal causation.
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Universal causation does not apply to Human behaviour.
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Views of Libertarians
Maintained we as humans have freedom to behave morally. Also mean we have moral responsibility.
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Views of Libertarians
We may be influenced by background etc but we are not morally determined by it.
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Views of Libertarians
Humans are themselves 'Originating Causes' of their actions.
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Views of Libertarians
Freedom is essential for Morality to exist, therefore Determinism is Incompatible with Freewill. Links to Kant's 3 postulations that are essential for morality: Existence of God, Freedom, Reason
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Views of Libertarians
If we are to claim we are morally responsible then we have to have non-determined freedom (Freedom exists but hasn't been caused)
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Views of Libertarians
If this non-determined freedom is denied, then so is moral responsibility.
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Views of Libertarians
Unlike Darrow's view that we do not 'Make ourselves' we do 'make our actions'
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Thomas Reid (1710-1796)
Advocate for Libertarianism
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Thomas Reid
Common sense philosophy
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Thomas Reid
Human beings are limited by Nature, e.g. gravity, biology, genetics, affects freewill we can't change what we are.
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Thomas Reid
Limitation has no affect on our freewill.
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Thomas Reid
You are free to make choice and free to carry that through.
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Thomas Reid
Freewill is individuals ability to control their own life. It allows humans to develop and to be morally responsible.
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Libertarians and Hard Determinists are Incompatibilists
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Maintain view that 'Freedom' includes both Origination (Cause) and Voluntariness (action is voluntary as in there is absence of constraint).
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View given by Greeks and Descartes (mathematicians, philosopher and physiologist). Descartes claimed minds and brains are substances of different kind.
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Elizabeth Anscombe
Event Causal Libertarians
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Elizabeth Anscombe
Influences make our choices more likely but not determined.
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Elizabeth Anscombe
Our choices may be result of non-necessitating causes, e.g. genetics/Situations
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Elizabeth Anscombe
"Causing is separable from Necessitating"
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"Ought implies Can"
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We have to assume freedom as it is a necessary precondition for morality.
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Our Moral Freedom lies beyond this material world.
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Kant's explanation:
The blame is grounded on the law of reason which regards reason as a cause that, regardless of all the empirical conditions could have and ought to have determined the conduct of the person to be other than it is.
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Criticism of Kant
Just because we must be free in our choice and reason leading to morality does not actually mean that our freedom is valid.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
If determinism is true, we have no freewill. We have freewill. Therefore, determinism is false.
Libertarianism (v)
Card 3
I could have acted differently.

Card 4
I was able to use reason and control my desires

Card 5
I cause events, they don't cause me to act

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