les petits boulots/part time jobs 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchLifestyleHome and environmentWork and educationGCSEAQA Created by: NikiSOliva752Created on: 16-01-17 20:30 je travaille dans i work in 1 of 8 un centre de loisirs a leisure centre 2 of 8 un fast food a fast food restaurant 3 of 8 un salon de coiffure a hairdresser's 4 of 8 un supermarche a supermarket 5 of 8 je fais du baby-sitting i do baby-sitting 6 of 8 je livre des journaux i deliver newspapers 7 of 8 he travaille de (9h00) a (17h00) i work from (9am) until (5:30) 8 of 8
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