Les matières 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchWork and educationGCSEEdexcel Created by: kirsteninesCreated on: 08-10-17 18:23 Les matières School subjects 1 of 27 le commerce business studies 2 of 27 le dessin/les arts plastiques art/fine art 3 of 27 le français French 4 of 27 le latin Latin 5 of 27 la biologie/les Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre biology 6 of 27 la chimie chemistry 7 of 27 la géographie geography 8 of 27 la musique music 9 of 27 la physique/les sciences physiques physics 10 of 27 la religion religious studies 11 of 27 la sociologie sociologie 12 of 27 la technologie design and technology 13 of 27 l'allemand German 14 of 27 l'anglais English 15 of 27 l'art dramatique drama 16 of 27 l'économie economics 17 of 27 l'éducation physique et sportive/l'EPS PE 18 of 27 l'espagnol Spanish 19 of 27 l'étude des médias media studies 20 of 27 l'histoire history 21 of 27 l'histoire-géo history and geography (studied together in France) 22 of 27 l'informatique ICT 23 of 27 l'instruction civique citizenship 24 of 27 l'italien Italian 25 of 27 les arts ménagers home economics 26 of 27 les maths maths 27 of 27
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