Legal Profession

How many solicitors are there in the UK?
1 of 27
Where do solicitors work?
In Firms
2 of 27
Who are solicitors governed by?
The Law Society
3 of 27
What act allows solicitors to work in alternative business structures?
Legal Services Act 2007
4 of 27
Part of a solicitors job is to give advice on cases. How long do clients get for free?
30 minutes
5 of 27
What is the highest court a solicitor can appear in without a right to audience?
6 of 27
What does LPC stand for?
Legal Practice Course
7 of 27
What does GDL stand for?
Graduate Diploma in Law
8 of 27
What does CPE stand for?
Common professional exam
9 of 27
Which is the correct route for a non-law degree for solicitors?
Degree in non-law topic, GDL/CPE, LPC, training contract, professional training course then admission to the roll
10 of 27
How much does a degree cost for 3 years?
11 of 27
How long and much is a LPC?
1 year, £10-15k
12 of 27
How long is a training contract and how many departments within a firm do you work in?
2 years, 6 months in 4 departments
13 of 27
How long is the work experience for the ILEX route?
2 years
14 of 27
How long does a DPL/CPE last?
1 year
15 of 27
What must you complete to become a barrister without a law degree that you otherwise wouldn't have to complete?
16 of 27
How many barristers are there in the UK?
17 of 27
Where do barristers work if they are not self-employed?
18 of 27
Who are barristers governed by?
The Bar Council
19 of 27
Who regulates barristers?
The Bar Standards Board
20 of 27
What is the cab rank rule?
Barristers must take on cases given to them by a clerk unless preoccupied
21 of 27
What do clerks do for barristers?
organise cases and clients
22 of 27
What kind of issues can firms/chambers deal with? What are there powers?
Small issues and can fire or refund the client
23 of 27
What act allows for the disciplinary actions towards solicitors?
S.47 Solicitor Act 1974
24 of 27
What kinds of complaints does the Solicitor Regulation Authoirty/Bar Standards Board deal with and what actions can they do?
Serious misconduct, and can fine, reprimand, suspend/strike off, and close down firms
25 of 27
Both solicitors and Barristers can be sued for negligence but why cant barristers be sued for breach of contract?
Because they do not sign a formal contract
26 of 27
A Legal Ombudsman can impose all the other actions but can also order compensation. What is the maximum amount?
27 of 27

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Where do solicitors work?


In Firms

Card 3


Who are solicitors governed by?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What act allows solicitors to work in alternative business structures?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Part of a solicitors job is to give advice on cases. How long do clients get for free?


Preview of the front of card 5
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