Leadership & Management Key Terms Crossword 0.0 / 5 ? BusinessLeadership & ManagementA2/A-levelAQA Created by: Jenkinator1234Created on: 01-11-16 14:06 The functions, ruling, guiding and inspiring of people within an organisation to pursue objectives. Leadership 1 of 15 The planning, directing, organising and controlling of all or part of a business. Management 2 of 15 A leadership style in which control, authority and information is kept at the top of the business hierarchy. Autocratic 3 of 15 A leadership style in which authority and information is delegated to subordinate employees within a business. Democratic 4 of 15 A leadership style in which all authority is decentralised, and employees are given full authority and freedom to do as they will. Laissez Faire 5 of 15 A leadership style in which employees have decisions made for them in their best interests with a small input from them. Paternalistic 6 of 15 Decisions based on intuition (raw data and analysis). Scientific 7 of 15 Decisions based on a leader's gut instinct. Hunch 8 of 15 A model used to represent the possible outcomes of a particular decision. Decision Trees 9 of 15 Anyone affected by or with interests in a business's activities. Stakeholder 10 of 15 A business's duties towards the environment and the community. Social Responsibility 11 of 15 People whom own parts or all of the business through investment. Shareholders 12 of 15 A diagram used to represent the level of interest and power each stakeholder has in a business. Stakeholder Map 13 of 15 Business objectives are an ______ factor determining the relationship with stakeholders. Internal 14 of 15 Stakeholder power is an ______ factor determining the relationship with stakeholders. External 15 of 15
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