Le désamour 5.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? FrenchHome and environmentFamilyLa famille en voie de changementASAQA Created by: lilyaasanchezCreated on: 08-05-17 11:53 des hauts et des bas ups and downs 1 of 21 être difficile à vivre to be difficult to live with 2 of 21 être d'un commerce difficile to be difficult to get on with 3 of 21 les défauts et les points faibles faults and weaknesses 4 of 21 le manque de communication lack of communication 5 of 21 l'incompatibilité incompatibility 6 of 21 le refroidissement cooling of relations 7 of 21 la désunion marital disharmony 8 of 21 se sentir las(se) de son compagnon to feel tired of one's partner 9 of 21 les reproches mutuels mutual reproach 10 of 21 la relation conflictuelle stormy relationship 11 of 21 maltraiter to ill-treat 12 of 21 la maltraitance ill-treatment 13 of 21 la violence conjugale domestic violence 14 of 21 l'adultère adultery 15 of 21 la trahision betrayal 16 of 21 délaisser to abandon 17 of 21 l'abandon du conjoint desertion 18 of 21 le sentiment de rejet feeling of rejection 19 of 21 rompre avec qqn to break off a relationship with s.o. 20 of 21 la rupture break-up 21 of 21
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