Law Reform

  • Created by: 10dhall
  • Created on: 14-03-17 14:47
Why do we need Law Reform?
Law becomes out of date, it is introduced in a piecemeal way, new problems arise, gaps in the law, new social conditions
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How does Law Reform happen?
Public opinion, pressure groups, political parties, Judges, and the Law Commission
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Public opinion?
Media, Mps can become aware through contacts/public demonstrations
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Pressure groups - protective and promotional?
Trade unions/Greenpeace - they seek to change the law without wishing to form a government.
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Pressure groups - insider and outsider groups?
Insider: the British Medical Association. Outsider: Greenpeace
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How do pressure groups gain support?
Making contact with MPS, gaining public support, demonstrating levels of support (petitions), direct action (climbing big ben, covering the PM with purple powder)
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What do judges do to participate in Law Reform?
Make it clear what they think about something
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Political parties?
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Facts about the Law Commission?
Made in 1965, full time independent law reform body, unbiased look on any topic
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What is the job of the Law Commission?
To identify law that we no longer need, and to codify the law
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What areas of law do they involve?
Commercial, contract, tort, public law, damages, tort
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What does the current law reform programme include?
Sentencing, OAPA, marriage law and unfitness to plead
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How many commissioners does the Law Commission have?
5, who specialize in a specific topic
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The effectiveness of the Law Commission?
Not very successful in codifying, 85% of reports implemented in 1960's but in 1990's significant delays, budget problems and staff constraints as it is funded by the Government
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What achievements have the Law Commission had so far?
Major changes to contract law, reforms to the law of conspiracy, and changes to the law on manslaughter
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


How does Law Reform happen?


Public opinion, pressure groups, political parties, Judges, and the Law Commission

Card 3


Public opinion?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Pressure groups - protective and promotional?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Pressure groups - insider and outsider groups?


Preview of the front of card 5
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