Law Legislation 0.0 / 5 ? LawStatutory legislationASOCR Created by: emmakainCreated on: 02-03-16 18:14 What are the 3 main bodies of Parliament? Commons, Lords and the Monarch 1 of 17 What is democracy? Government of the people, by the people, for the people 2 of 17 What is separation of powers? Each branch is meant to check on the others so no branch has more power than the others 3 of 17 What are the 4 types of legislation? Original legislation, Finacial legislation, Codifying legislation, Consolidating legislation 4 of 17 Original legislation? New problem, new law COMPUTER MISSUSE ACT 1990 5 of 17 Financial legislation? More money to different problems, twice a year FINANCE ACT 6 of 17 Codifying legislation? Cases and statutes into 1 statute POLICE AND CRIMINAL EVIDENCE ACT 1984 7 of 17 Consolidating legislation? Statutes and statues into 1 statute FAMILY LAW ACT 1996 8 of 17 3 key things for operations of statues? Geographical- where? Start date- royal assent or day mentioned? End date- it never ends, must be repealed by another statute 9 of 17 What is the green paper? Consultation document on possible new law sent out to interested parties 10 of 17 What is the white paper? Governments firm proposal for new law 11 of 17 3 types of Bill? Government (public) bill, private members (public) bill, private bill 12 of 17 Government bill? Prepared by the cabinet of about 20 members 13 of 17 Private members bill? Made by MO of any political party, ballot or ten minute bill 14 of 17 Private bill? Proposed by local authority or company, not a law for everyone 15 of 17 5 stages of passing a bill in Parliament? First reading, second reading, committee stage, report stage, third reading 16 of 17 Royal assent? Formality, she cannot influence politics 17 of 17
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