Latin Vocabulary 0.0 / 5 ? LatinVocabularyGCSEOCR Created by: Mary Jayne Harding ScottCreated on: 15-04-13 07:13 antequam before 1 of 32 atque and 2 of 32 aut or 3 of 32 autem but 4 of 32 cum when, as, with 5 of 32 deinde then, next 6 of 32 dum while 7 of 32 enim for 8 of 32 et and 9 of 32 both..and 10 of 32 etiam even, also 11 of 32 igitur therefore 12 of 32 itaque and so 13 of 32 nam for 14 of 32 ne so that...not, not to, that 15 of 32 neque and not, but not 16 of 32 nec and not, but not 17 of 32 neque...neque neither...nor 18 of 32 neither...nor 19 of 32 nisi if not, except, unless 20 of 32 postquam after 21 of 32 quamquam although 22 of 32 -que and 23 of 32 quod because 24 of 32 quoque also 25 of 32 sed but 26 of 32 si if 27 of 32 simulatque as soon as 28 of 32 simulac as soon as 29 of 32 tamen however 30 of 32 ut + indicative as 31 of 32 ut + subjunctive so that, to, that 32 of 32
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