Latin vocabulary -- winter term yr 9 0.0 / 5 ? LatinVocabularyGCSEAQA Created by: macGloin.mCreated on: 07-12-20 21:17 Volo (infinitive -- velle perfect -- volui) To Want 1 of 25 Nolo (infinitive -- nolle perfect -- nolui) To not want 2 of 25 Possum (infinitive -- posse perfect -- potui) To be able to 3 of 25 Donum Gift 4 of 25 Duco To lead 5 of 25 Res Thing 6 of 25 Advenio, advenire, adveni arrive 7 of 25 aedificium building 8 of 25 aegar sick 9 of 25 alter the other / the second 10 of 25 canto, cantare, cantavi to sing 11 of 25 ceteri the others / the rest 12 of 25 custos guard 13 of 25 dico, dicere, dixi to say 14 of 25 exito, exitare, exitavi to arouse / to wake up 15 of 25 fessus tired 16 of 25 interficio, interficere, interfeci to kill 17 of 25 ita vero yes 18 of 25 novus new 19 of 25 nullus not any , no 20 of 25 ruo, ruere, rui to rush 21 of 25 se himself 22 of 25 traho, trahere, traxi to drag 23 of 25 vita life 24 of 25 vulnero, vulnerare, vulneravi wound 25 of 25
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