‘Larkin had a strong love/hate relationship with the idea of coupledom’
Roddy Lumsden
2 of 14
‘His writing is driven by a sense of failure’
Andrew Swarbrick
3 of 14
‘He is an advocate of misanthropy and pessimism’
Bryan Appleyard
4 of 14
‘’”The Whitsun Weddings” is a gloomy celebration of small lives’
Roddy Lumsden
5 of 14
Quotations from critics concerning Carol Ann Duffy
6 of 14
‘Exploration of the notion that you do not quite fit’
Rachel Barker
7 of 14
‘She conveys authentic human experience and emotion without obscuring it with inaccessible language’
Victoria Fea
8 of 14
‘Duffy probes, challenges and conceptualises the notion of displacement, demonstrating that whilst it can be painful, loss is also formative in shaping identity’
Rachel Barker
9 of 14
‘Exploration of the limits of language’
Michael Woods
10 of 14
‘”Mean Time” further explores themes of emotional memories, parents and children, longing, death and love’
Victoria Fea
11 of 14
Quotations from critics concerning both poets
12 of 14
‘Duffy shares Larkin’s tragic views of life’
Allen Randolph
13 of 14
‘She is in many ways Larkin’s antithesis’
Peter Forbes
14 of 14
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Roddy Lumsden
‘Larkin had a strong love/hate relationship with the idea of coupledom’
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