Language Levels
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- Created by: Becky G Morris
- Created on: 05-12-17 13:47
(Level 1) Word Class
A groups of words that fulfill the same kind of role and function in speech and writing
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(Level 1) Open (or lexical) word class
A word class that is generally open to new membership
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(Level 1) Noun
A word that names a thing or concept
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(Level 1) Verb
A word that shows a state of being, action, or event
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(Level 1) Adjective
A word that modifies a noun
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(Level 1) Adverb
A word that modifies a verb, an adjective or another adverb
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(Level 1) Closed (or grammatical) word class
A word class which doesn't readily admit new members
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(Level 1) Pronoun
A word that substitutes for a noun, often referring back or forwards to them e.g. 'he', 'she', 'they', 'it'
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(Level 1) Determiner
A word that adds detail or clarity to nouns e.g. 'the', 'my', 'some'
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(Level 1) Preposition
A word that provides connections between words, often showing a sense of place or time e.g. 'in', 'one', 'between', 'during'
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(Level 1) Conjunction
A word that provides connections between larger structures, phrases, clauses and sentences e.g. 'and', 'but', 'because'
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(Level 1) Semantics field
A groups of words that are based around a topic or theme
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(Level 1) Collocates
Words that are typically appear together
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(Level 1) Fixed expression
A well - used group of words that becomes accepted and used one long structure e.g. 'at the end of the day', 'see you later'
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(Level 1) Synonym
A word that had equivalent meaning to another word
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(Level 1) Antonyms
Words that have opposite meanings
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(Level 1) Euphemism
A more socially acceptable word or phrase
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(Level 1) Dyphemism
Using a blunt or direct word instead of a more polite or indirect alternative, close to taboo
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(Level 1) Hyonomy
The way of viewing the relationship between more general and specific words
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(Level 1) Metaphor
A structure that presnts one thing in terms of another
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(Level 1) Proper nouns
Refer to names of people or places
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(Level 1) Abstract nouns
Refer to state feelings and concepts that do not have a physical existence
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(Level 1) Concrete nouns
Refer to objects that have a physical existence
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(Level 1) Material nouns
Show actions or events
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(Level 1) Relational verbs
Identify properties or show state of being
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(Level 1) Mental verbs
Show internal processes such as thinking
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(Level 1) Verbal verbs
Show external processes of communicating through speech
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(Level 1) Base adjectives and adverbs
The basic form of an adjective or adverb, modifying another word
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(Level 1) Comparative adjectives and adverbs
A form used to compare two instances either adding ‘-er’ or using ‘more’
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(Level 1) Superlative adjectives and adverbs
A form used to compare more than two instances, identifying a best example
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(Level 1) Personal pronouns
Refer to people and are differentiated in terms of person (1st, 2nd, 3rd), number (singular or plural) and gender (make and female)
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(Level 1) Demonstrative pronouns
Orientate the reader or listener towards a person, object or idea, either nearby or further away
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(Level 1) Indefinite pronouns
Refer to a person, object or idea that is non-specific
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(Level 1) Articles determiners
Show that something is definite or indefinite
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(Level 1) Possessives determiners
Show ownership
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(Level 1) Quantifies determiners
Show either specific or non - specific quantities of a noun
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(Level 1) Coordinating conjunctions
Link words or larger structure should such as phrases and clauses together where they are equal
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(Level 1) Subordinating conjunctions
Link clauses together to show one is dependant on another
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(Level 2) Morphology
The study of word formation
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(Level 2) Syntax
The study of how words from larger sturcutures such as phrases, clauses and sentences
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(Level 2) Descriptive
Taking an approach to language study that focused on how language is actually used
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(Level 2) Prescriptive
Taking an approach to language study that focuses on rules and notions of correctness
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(Level 2) Root
A morpheme that can stand on its own and can and cannot usuall form a word in its own right
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(Level 2) Suffix
A morpheme that comes after a root word to modifiy it’s meaning e.g. ‘ing’, ‘s’, ‘tion’
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(Level 2) Prefix
A morpheme that comes before a root word to modifiy it’s meaning e.g. ‘un’, ‘de’, ‘bi’
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(Level 2) Affix
The overall term for an addition to a root (a prefix or a suffix) to modify its meaning or create a new word
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(Level 2) Infix
An affix instered inside a root word to create a new word or modify its meaning e.g. abso-blooming-lutely
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(Level 2) Inflectional function
The way that an affix show a grammatical category such verb tense or a plural noun
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(Level 2) Derivational function
The way that an affix helps form a new word by attaching itself to a root
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(Level 2) Noun phrase
A group of words built around a noun e.e.g The expensive television in the corner
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(Level 2) Verb phrase
A group of words built around a head (main) verb
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(Level 2) Head word
The main noun in the phrase
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(Level 2) Pre-modifier
A word that goes before the head noun to add detail or clarify some aspect of it
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(Level 2) Post-modifier
A word that comes after the head noun to add detail or clarify some aspect of it
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(Level 2) Qualifier
An additional word or phrase that adds some further detail to that noun
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(Level 2) Primary auxiliary verb
An auxiliary verb that joins it has a main verb verb to show tense e.g. ‘be’, ‘do’, ‘have’
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(Level 2) Modal auxiliary verb
An auxiliary verb that joins with a main verb to show the degree of commitment towards an event or person that the speaker holds e.g. ‘should’, ‘might’, ‘must’
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(Level 2) Clause
Groups of words centered around a verb phrase
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(Level 2) Subject clause
Usually a noun phrase that acts as the key focus of the clauses and is often the focus of the relational verb process or the agent of material verbs
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(Level 2) Object clause
Usually a noun phrase that identifies the entity being acted on by the action of the verb process
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(Level 2) Complement clause
Usually a noun phrase that the attribute of the subject in the relational verb process
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(Level 2) Adverbial clause
Usually a adverb or prepositional phrase that identifies the circumstances of a verb process in terms of time, place of manners
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(Level 2) Coordination
The joining of two clauses that gives them equal weighting
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(Level 2) Subordination
The joining of two clauses that gives one clause (the main clause) more weighting than another clause (the subordinate clause)
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(Level 2) Noun clause
A subordinate clause that functions as a subject, object or complement
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(Level 2) Adverbial clause
A subordinate clause that functions as a adverbial
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(Level 2) Active voice
Agent in subject position for prominence; verb phrase in present or past tense
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(Level 2) Passive voice
Agent omitted or placed later in the clause using a prepositional phrase; verb phrase changes to a form of to be + particle for, (verb root + en/ed)
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(Level 2) Orthographic sentence
A 'sentence' marked by a capital letter and full stop but containing no verb
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(Level 3) Phonetics
The areas of study that is concerned with investigating how sounds are actually produced by language users
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(Level 3) Phonology
The area of study that refers to the more abstract sound system
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(Level 3) Prosodics
The study of how speakers can shape meanings through emphasising certain aspects of intonation, speed and volume
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(Level 3) International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
A system for showing the different sounds possible
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(Level 3) Heterophones
Words that have the same spelling but very different pronunciations and meanings
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(Level 3) Homophones
Words that are pronounced the same but have very different meaning and may have different spelling
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(Level 3) Diphthong
A vowel sound that is the combination of two separate sounds, where a speaker moves from one to another
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(Level 3) Sound iconicity
The matching of sound to an aspect of meaning. Using patterns where sound mirror and actions they describe
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(Level 3) Consonance
A pattern of repeated consonant sounds for effect
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(Level 3) Assonance
A pattern of repeated vowel sound for effect
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(Level 3) Sibilance
A pattern of fricative sound, specially 's' for effect
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(Level 3) Lexical onomatopoeia
Words that have some associates meaning between their sound and what they represent
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(Level 3) Non-lexical onomatopoeia
'Non-words' that nonetheless are intended to signify some meaning through their sound
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(Level 3) Phonological manipulation
Making creative changed in sound patterns to give certain effects (pun)
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(Level 3) Minimal pair
Two words that differ in only one singal sound
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(Level 3) Phoneme
Individual sound of words
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(Level 3) Plosive
Produced by the articulators coming together to stop the airflow and then being released
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(Level 3) Fricative
Produced by the articulators positioned together, then released but in a way that is similar to the friction sound of a fricative
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(Level 3) Affricate
Produced by the articulators coming together, then released but in a way that is similar to the friction of a fricative sound
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(Level 3) Nadal
Produced by articulators stopping the airflow with a real sea through the nose
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(Level 3) Lateral
Produced by articulators coming together and air being released over the sides of the tongue
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(Level 3) Approximate
Produced in a similar way to other consonant sounds but without the articulation fully coming together
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(Level 4) Layout
The physical organisation of a text
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(Level 4) Iconic sign
A sign or image that is a direct picture of the ting it represents
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(Level 4) Symbolic sign
A sign or image where an associated meaning is drawn from some shared degree of knowledge
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(Level 4) Typographical feature
A feature related to the use of fonts in texts
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(Level 4) Multimodal text
A text that relies on the interplay of different codes (e.g. the visual and written) to help shape meaning
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(Level 4) Mise en scene
What is shown in a particular visual representation
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(Level 5) Embodied knowledge
Knowledge that is associated with memories of physically experiencing something, for example the sights and smells of visiting a city
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(Level 5) Schema
A bundle of knowledge about a concept, person or event. These are based on our experiences, so are unique to an individual but may share common properties
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(Level 5) Co-text
Other words or phrases surrounding a word in a text
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(Level 5) Cooperative
The general principle that people work together to communicate
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(Level 5) Conversational maxims
Explicit principles that provide a backdrop for conversation to take place so that speakers can easily understand one another. Devised by Grice - quantity, quality, relevance and manner.
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(Level 5) Implicature
An implied meaning that has to be inferred by a speaker as a result of one of the maxims being broken
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(Level 5) Positive face need
A universal human need to feel valued and appreciated
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(Level 5) Negative face need
A universal human need to feel independent and not to be imposed upon
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(Level 5) Face threatening act
A speech act that has the potential to damage someones self-esteem either in terms of positive or negative face
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(Level 5) Politeness strategies
Distinctive ways in which speakers can chose to speak to avoid threatening face
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(Level 5) Deixis
Words that are context-bound and whose meaning depends on who is using them, and where and when they are being used
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(Level 5) Person deixis
Names and personal pronouns
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(Level 5) Spatial deixis
Adverbs of place e.g. 'here', 'there'; orientations words e.g. 'left', 'right'; deistic verbs e.g.'come', 'go'
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(Level 5) Temporal deixis
Adverbs of time e.g. 'today', 'tomorrow'
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(Level 5) Proximal deixis
Deictic expressions that refer to concepts, events or places close to the speaker
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(Level 5) Distal deixis
Directrix expressions that refer to concepts, events or places at a distance to the speaker
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(Level 6) Labov's narrative categories, Abstract
An indication that the speaker wants a listeners attention and is signalling the start of the narrative
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(Level 6) Labov's narrative categories, Orientation
The 'who', 'what', and why that is set the scene and provides background informative that the speakers sees as important
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(Level 6) Labov's narrative categories, Complicating action
The main body of the narrative
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(Level 6) Labov's narrative categories, Resolution
The ending of the narrative that ties up loose ends and provides clousure
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(Level 6) Labov's narrative categories, Coda
A signal that the narrative has ended
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(Level 6) Internal evaluation
An expression of attitude toward the events in the narrative that occur in the same time frame as the main action
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(Level 6) External evaluation
An expression of attitude where the speaker 'stands back' from the main action
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(Level 6) Turn-taking
The process by which speakers construct conversation
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(Level 6) Adjacency pair
A simple structure of two turns
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(Level 6) Goodwin's Story structure, Story preface
A signal that the speaker wants to tell a story and an invitation to others to show interest
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(Level 6) Goodwin's Story structure, Story solicit
A response from someone else that they want to listen to the story
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(Level 6) Goodwin's Story structure, Preliminary to the story
Background information to the story in the form of the 'who', 'what', 'where' and 'why'
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(Level 6) Goodwin's Story structure, Story action
The main body of the narrative
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(Level 6) Goodwin's Story structure, Story climax
The conclusion of the narrative
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(Level 6) Goodwin's Story structure, Story appreciation
Signals from the audience that communicate their response to the narrative. This might be a several points during the story or at the end and could consist of questions agreements, laughter or other signs of emotions
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(Level 6) Preferred response
A second part of an adjacency pair that fits in with what the speaker of the first part want to hear
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(Level 6) Dispreferred response
A second part of an adjacency pair that doesn't fit in with what the speaker of the first part want to hear
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(Level 6) Insertion sequence
An additional sequence between the two parts of an adjacency pair
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(Level 6) Exchange structure
Sequence of turns between speakers
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(Level 6) Transition relevance place
A point where it is natural for another speaker to take a turn
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(Level 6) Constant
The influence a more powerful speaker can have on another speaker
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(Level 6) Filler
A non verbal sound that acts like a pause - either to signal uncertainty or simply as a 'breathing space' for the speaker e.g. 'erm'
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(Level 6) False start
When a speaker begins to speak, stops and then starts again
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(Level 6) Repair
When a speaker correctable some aspects of hat they have said
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(Level 6) Skip-connector
A word or phrases that returns the conversation to the previous topic
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(Level 6) Ellipsis
The omission of words for the economical reasons and/or because the context means that the person listening understands the shortened utterance
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(Level 6) Speaker support
Words or phrases (both verbal and non-verbal) that show attention or agreement, and encourage a speaker to carry on talking
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What extracts are first person narratives?
Text 6, Text 7, Text 13, Text 14, Text 15, Text 26, Text 29 and Text 31
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What extracts are information texts?
Text 2, Text 5, Text 12, Text 20, Text 21, Text 22, Text 23, Text 24, Text 28 and Text 30
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What extracts are visual narratives?
Text 2, Text 12, Text 13, Text 20, Text 21, Text 22, Text 23 and Text 24
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What extracts are new technology?
Text 5, Text 10, Text 17, Text 18, Text 19, Text 27, and Text 30
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What extracts are one-speaker narratives?
Text 6, Text 7, Text 12 and Text 15
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What extracts are multi-speaker narratives?
Text 11 and Text 32
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
A word class that is generally open to new membership
(Level 1) Open (or lexical) word class
Card 3
A word that names a thing or concept
Card 4
A word that shows a state of being, action, or event
Card 5
A word that modifies a noun
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