La Rafle
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- Created by: Mads29
- Created on: 13-05-22 10:27
Montmartre: Antisemitic Laws
Interdit aux Juifs de fréquenter les établissements publics
1 of 107
Montmartre: Treatment of Jews
Ils renvoient des Juifs de partout
2 of 107
Montmartre: Nurses
Vous pouvez constater que vos camarades sont comme vous
3 of 107
Round up: Children
Les enfants aussi?
4 of 107
Round up: Resistance/ Solidarity/ Children
Toi je t'ai déjà dit de pas venir ici. C'est des Juifs.
5 of 107
Round up: Lack of knowledge
Je suis ancien combattant. Je veux savoir où on va.
6 of 107
Round up: Refusal to stay put
Je préviens Papa. Faut que j'y sois avant eux.
7 of 107
Round up: Antisemitism
Dehors la vermine juive
8 of 107
Round up: Crualty
N'essayez pas de fuir. On a ordre de tirer.
9 of 107
Vélodrome: Plumber
Va voir le chef plombier..Il a des ausweis en blanc. Il peut t'aider.
10 of 107
Vélodrome: Trust
On a tous eu confiance
11 of 107
Vélodrome: Annette
J'aimerais suivre les enfants/ J'appuierai votre demande/ Merci
12 of 107
Vélodrome: Help
J'ai 60 volontaires
13 of 107
Vélodrome: Role of Annette
Garder silence sur ce que je verrai ici
14 of 107
Vélodrome: Children growing up
C'est nous le spectacle Nono
15 of 107
Camp: Annette
J'ai réfléchi. Je pourrais me faire remplacer.
16 of 107
Camp: Annette's role
Tu vas faire le martyre.
17 of 107
Camp: radio
Les camps du Loiret abrirent la quasi-totalité des indésirables.
18 of 107
Camp: Anna
Je vais les chercher/ Pas de temps
19 of 107
Camp: Separation
Ces folles les verront dans dix jours
20 of 107
Vélodrome: Starving
Des ordres pour affamer les enfants?
21 of 107
Camp: Separation 2
Ne les séparez pas
22 of 107
Camp: Survival
Tu dois survivre
23 of 107
Camp: Loss of hope
Je ne crois plus
24 of 107
Pétain and Laval:
Sans parler des milliers enfants nés ici. Ile n'en veulent pas.
25 of 107
Pétain and Laval: Deporting
On ne déporte pas les israélites français. Le peuple ne l'accepterait pas.
26 of 107
Pétain and Laval: reuniting
Par souci d'humanité j'ai obtenu qu'ils soient conduits auprès de leurs parents.
27 of 107
Hitler: Antisemitism
Ce peuuple sera supprimé de la surface de la terre. Décimé et éradiqué.
28 of 107
Answer question+ Context
Il est à noter que
Il est à noter que
29 of 107
Paragraph 1
Tout d'abord,la première constatation qui s'impose c'est que
30 of 107
Paragraph 2
De surcroît, il faut compter aussi
31 of 107
Paragraph 3
32 of 107
En guise de conclusion
summarise with final statement
summarise with final statement
33 of 107
French-German Armistice
Lesser of two evils
Split France
Puppet government
Lesser of two evils
Split France
Puppet government
34 of 107
March 1940
Commissariat Général aux Questions Juives
35 of 107
Oct 1940
First: Statut des Juifs
36 of 107
June 1941
Second: Statut des Juifs
broader, jobs
broader, jobs
37 of 107
1940 and 1941
Antisemitic laws not mandates by Germany
38 of 107
1940 stat
50% of Jewish community deprived of livelihood
39 of 107
May 1941
Green ticket round-up
6694 Jews deported
6694 Jews deported
40 of 107
October 1941
Nuremberg laws, synagogue attacks
41 of 107
7th June 1942
German decree to wear yellow star
42 of 107
Historical facts of round-up
Opération Vent Printanier
Goal of 28,000
Minimal German involvement
Goal of 28,000
Minimal German involvement
43 of 107
Hotel Lutetia
Welcomed 20,000+ displaced people
44 of 107
Antisemitism: Montmartre
Presented in daily life
Scenes shows the extent of France's antisemitism, not always German
Roundup represents climax
Scenes shows the extent of France's antisemitism, not always German
Roundup represents climax
45 of 107
Antisemitism: Vélodrome
Annette provides a normal perspective to highlight antisemitism
46 of 107
Antisemitism: Camp
Conditions show complete extent
Repetition of radio
Repetition of radio
47 of 107
Antisemitism: Children
Equally discriminated against as adults
48 of 107
Antisemitism: Annette
Main fighter against antisemitism
49 of 107
Religion: Montmartre
Religious solidarity is shown through the Priest and Annette
50 of 107
Religion: Vélodrome
Although their religion is being 'squashed' praying scene highlights strength of religion
51 of 107
Religion: Camp
Annette uses her religious status to help the Jews
52 of 107
Religion: Children
Struggle with identity of religion
53 of 107
Religion: Adults
Maintain beliefs
54 of 107
Uses religion to help as much as she can
55 of 107
Solidarity: Montmartre
Shown in day to day life and during roundup as well
56 of 107
Solidarity: Vélodrome
Various groups do what they can to help
57 of 107
Solidarity: Camp
Annette is the only who can- shows it all the time
58 of 107
Solidarity: Children
Always united together- look out for each other as much as possible
59 of 107
Solidarity: Adults
Fewer acts of solidarity- aware of fate?
60 of 107
Solidarity: Annette
Outside help- shows solidarity with all characters
61 of 107
Collaboration: Montmartre
Collaboration between children in daily life is juxtaposed with official collaboration
62 of 107
Collaboration: Vélodrome
Different departments collaborate together to help
63 of 107
Collaboration: Camp
Reminder of German collaboration
Annette collaborates to help others
Annette collaborates to help others
64 of 107
Collaboration: Children
Collaborate to get by
65 of 107
Collaboration: Adults
Present different ideas/forms of collaboration
66 of 107
Collaboration: Annette
Collaborates to help Jews
67 of 107
Resistance: Montmartre
Resist antisemitic laws
68 of 107
Resistance: Vélodrome
Internal and external resistance- officer and firefighters
69 of 107
Innocence: Montmartre
Children are free around Montmartre
Parent seem quite innocent as well
Parent seem quite innocent as well
70 of 107
Innocence: Vélodrome
Nono seems to stay the same,
Jo and Simon have already started to lose innocence
Jo and Simon have already started to lose innocence
71 of 107
Innocence: Camp
Nono still as innocent despite all the events and what he is told
72 of 107
Innocence: Children
Nono is a reference point for the innocence of children, can see other children lose it
73 of 107
Innocence: Adults
Innocent to authority's intentions despite previous roundups and antisemitic laws
74 of 107
Innocence: Annette
Annette is innocent in terms of treatment of Jews
75 of 107
Resistance: Camp
Annette symbolised resistance in camp- wider population trying to help
76 of 107
Resistance: Adults
Non-Jewish adults are often shown resisting to help the Jews
77 of 107
Resistance: Annette
Annette completely resists against all the authority's actions
78 of 107
Hope: Montmartre
Life continues normally under occupation-hope of a future
79 of 107
Hope: Vélodrome
Arrival of Annette symbolises arrival of hope- firefighters come after
80 of 107
Hope: Children
Use innocence, games and jokes to maintain hope
81 of 107
Hope: Adults
Maintain their hope for the children
82 of 107
Hope: Annette
Brings hope to velodrome and camp
83 of 107
un travelling
a travelling shot
84 of 107
un plan serré/rapproché
a close up shot
85 of 107
un plan général
a wide shot
86 of 107
Original footage of Hitler
87 of 107
Quand Un Vicomte Rencontre Un Autre Vicomte
Nono singing
88 of 107
Ballet scene
89 of 107
Tombé du Ciel
Annette cycling round Paris
90 of 107
La Savane
Going to bed in Montmartre
91 of 107
Concerto de l'Adieu
Roundup-sad music
92 of 107
Concerto pour violon
Annette enters velodrome
93 of 107
L'or du rhin
Hitler talking about ashes
94 of 107
Music Eva changes to
95 of 107
Dancing in camp
96 of 107
Operation Terminated
Separating children from parents
97 of 107
Etats d'ame
Jo escapes
98 of 107
Peer gynt
Children are put on train
99 of 107
Clair de Lune
Return to Paris
100 of 107
Ils avaient l'air si bien
101 of 107
Montmartre: Hélène
Si ces dames sortent, nous sommes aussi
102 of 107
Roundup: Bousquet
Il manque juste dix milles Juifs
Pour arrêter plus de Juifs, il faut les chercher chez les Aryens
Pour arrêter plus de Juifs, il faut les chercher chez les Aryens
103 of 107
Vélodrome: Dr Sheinbaum and Annette
J'ai demandé pour des renforts
Je suis désolée
Ils ne veulent pas des témoins
Je me savais rien, je n'ai jamais imaginé tout ça.
Je suis désolée
Ils ne veulent pas des témoins
Je me savais rien, je n'ai jamais imaginé tout ça.
104 of 107
Vélodrome: Chief firefighter
Ce que vous faites est indigne
105 of 107
Camp: Annette
Je pourrais partir avec le convoi
106 of 107
Montmartre: Annette
Je préfère comme c'était avant
107 of 107
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Ils renvoient des Juifs de partout
Montmartre: Treatment of Jews
Card 3
Vous pouvez constater que vos camarades sont comme vous

Card 4
Les enfants aussi?

Card 5
Toi je t'ai déjà dit de pas venir ici. C'est des Juifs.

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