la famille en voie de changement 0.0 / 5 ? FrenchHome and environmentGrammar and vocabularyA2/A-levelAQA Created by: gemmawiltonCreated on: 25-10-17 11:36 ancré anchored, fixed family 1 of 65 le bilan assessment 2 of 65 le bonheur happiness 3 of 65 la cohabitation living together/alongside 4 of 65 cohabiter to live together 5 of 65 le comportement behaviour 6 of 65 le concubinage living with a partner 7 of 65 le conjoint partner 8 of 65 le droit right 9 of 65 l'égalité equality 10 of 65 emménager to move in 11 of 65 l'enquête survey 12 of 65 l'étape (f) stage 13 of 65 l'évolution (f) development 14 of 65 fidèle faithful 15 of 65 fonder to start (a family) 16 of 65 la formation training 17 of 65 l'inégalité (f) inequality 18 of 65 la manifestation protest 19 of 65 le même sexe the same sex 20 of 65 le mode de vie way of life 21 of 65 le pacs civil partnership 22 of 65 le/la partenaire partner 23 of 65 remplir to fill 24 of 65 la rupture break-up 25 of 65 la tendance trend 26 of 65 avoir tort to be wrong, mistaken 27 of 65 tromper to cheat on 28 of 65 l'union (f) libre living together as an unmarried couple 29 of 65 la vie commune living together 30 of 65 le bouleversement upheaval 31 of 65 célibataire single 32 of 65 la compagne female partner 33 of 65 le compagnon male partner 34 of 65 l'échec failure 35 of 65 s'entendre to get on 36 of 65 avoir envie to wish for 37 of 65 la famille recomposée blended family 38 of 65 gâcher to spoil 39 of 65 grandir to grow up 40 of 65 s'habituer à to get used to 41 of 65 en hausse on the rise 42 of 65 le lien link 43 of 65 profiter de to make the most of 44 of 65 quotidien(ne) daily 45 of 65 la répartition distribution 46 of 65 le soutien support 47 of 65 le taux de divorce divorce rate 48 of 65 le témoignage account, testimony 49 of 65 utiliser to use 50 of 65 briser to break 51 of 65 se dérouler to take place, to occur 52 of 65 embêtant annoying 53 of 65 l'époque (f) time, era 54 of 65 l'espace (m) place/space 55 of 65 fournir to provide 56 of 65 le foyer household 57 of 65 partager to share 58 of 65 la personne âgée older person, elderly person 59 of 65 la racine root 60 of 65 raisonnable sensible, reasonable 61 of 65 soucieux(-euse) anxious 62 of 65 tandis que whilst, whereas 63 of 65 le taux de natalité birth rate 64 of 65 transmettre to pass on 65 of 65
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