A title applied to God. In Judaeo-Christian tradition, it refers to God creating the world (Genesis 1-3, Psalm 8, Job 38).
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Creatio ex nihilo
Latin for 'creation out of nothing'.
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Anthropomorphic imagery
A image which likens some aspect of God's nature to that of a human being.
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People (Christians) who interpret the Genesis stories in a literal way and reject scientific theories.
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The Ten Commandments revealed to Moses on Mount Sinai.
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Used to express the idea that God is involved and active in the world. Religious people may often talk of God being experienced through other people or in a miracle. These are examples where God is immanent.
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Refers to any act in which God is revealed to human beings. It reveals knowledge of God and his nature.
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Expresses the idea that God is separate from and completely distinct and different from the physical world. Transcendence indicates that God is beyond human comprehension and is completely 'other'.
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Filled. Creation is filled with God's power and presence.
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Euthyphro dilemma
Is an action good because God commands it or does God command it because it is good?
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God as lawgiver
An image of God commonly used in the Bible, for example when God reveals the Ten Commandments to the Israelites on Mount Sinai.
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God as judge
A common image of God throughout the Jewish Scriptures and the New Testament. In the parable of the last judgement God is pictured as a king judging people, separating the good from the bad. The good go to heaven, the bad to hell.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Card 3
Everywhere at once.
Card 4
Card 5
A title applied to God. In Judaeo-Christian tradition, it refers to God creating the world (Genesis 1-3, Psalm 8, Job 38).
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