Considers that God can be known through reason and observation of the natural world.
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Revealed Theology
Considers that God can be known only when he lets himself be known. This might be through a prophet, scripture, prayer, etc.
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Termed in 1529 when 6 princes and 14 German cities protested against restrictions on the reform movements. It has come to refer to the churches and people who support the theology and practices developed during the Reformation.
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Reformed Christianity
Its more radical theology stressed human depravity after the Fall, God's unconditional grace regardless of individual merit, and limited atonement for those whom God has chosen (the elect).
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Sensus Divinitatis (Latin)
Is the Latin phrase used by Calvin meaning a "sense of God" or "sense of the divine".
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Used by Calvin, means that whatever humans say about themselves implies something about the nature of God and whatever we say about God implies something about the nature of humans.
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Used by Calvin, means that God limits and adapts his revelation so as to be best suited to human finite minds.
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Si integer stetisset Adam (Latin)
The Latin phrase used by Calvin meaning "if Adam had remained upright".
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In Christian terms is the process of renewal, restoration and recreation associated with baptism and other sacraments of the Church.
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This view of God is central Christian teaching that God is one but reveals himself as 3 'persons' ; Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
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Point of Contract
Is God's revelation in the world which provides humans with the first step to knowing him. The idea was put forward by Brunner and rejected by Barth.
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Reformed Epistemology
The view of some in the Calvinist traditions (e.g.Alvin Plantinga and Micheal Rea) who believe the belief in God is a "properly basic belief". It is the philosophical study of knowledge and how we know things.
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Is Plantinga's term referring to those who reject theological claims as false.
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Is the requirement that revelation is absolutely required for the human mind to know anything about God's existence or nature with certainty.
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Design Arguement
Infers that as the world everywhere shows signs of order and purpose then it must have a designer. That designer is God.
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Means the unity of God. It is also used negatively to refer to those who have reduced the place of the Son in the Trinity, by making Jesus an inspired prophet of God, not God himself.
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Is the belief that God is more than a principle but can be experienced personally.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Considers that God can be known only when he lets himself be known. This might be through a prophet, scripture, prayer, etc.
Revealed Theology
Card 3
Termed in 1529 when 6 princes and 14 German cities protested against restrictions on the reform movements. It has come to refer to the churches and people who support the theology and practices developed during the Reformation.
Card 4
Its more radical theology stressed human depravity after the Fall, God's unconditional grace regardless of individual merit, and limited atonement for those whom God has chosen (the elect).
Card 5
Is the Latin phrase used by Calvin meaning a "sense of God" or "sense of the divine".
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