Knowledge of God's existence. (Chapter 3.3)

How can God be known, according to Christianity?
Analogy's, metaphors,Natural theology and Revealed theology.
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What was Bonaventura's analogy of the eye meant to represent the different ways of "seeing"?
1. The eye of the "flesh" is the way of knowing that incorporates sense perception:empiricism of science/ knowledge of physical world.2 The eye of "reason" is mathematical and philosophical truth, logic.3 Eye of "contemplation" knowledge God (faith)
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What is Polkinghorne's metaphor of binoculars?
It is when you see science through one "eye" which shows him the physical world processes and the other eye is spiritual truth about God. Both eyes are needed to see the full dimension.
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What is Natural theology?
The discovering of truths about the existence and nature of God by using human experience and human reason.
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Which theologians support Natural theology?
William Paley - The Design Argument (Paley's watch). Thomas Aquinas (basing from Aristotle) there are general observations,motion and cause, can reason for the existence of God. Richard Swinburne - order in our universe shows regularity done by God.
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Which Bibilical passages support Natural theology?
Psalm - "Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth!" (We must only look at the natural world to see the wisdom of God). Romans "For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities...divine nature-have been clearly seen".
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How does the Universal Consent Theory apply to Natural Theology being applied from an innate human sense of the Divine?
Cicero believed that all cultures and all times in history, people have had a sense that there is an infinite being who is in control of the universe. Cultures that do not know of each other's existence but had religious beliefs which are similar.
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What is "sensus divinitas" mean?
Translated: "seed of divinity". Whereby John Calvin wrote its meaning " There is within the human mind, and indeed by natural instinct, an awareness of divinity".
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What is revealed theology?
The name given by Christians that God which (they believe) has decided to show himself to people. It has been shown to people at a time and in a manner chosen by God.
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What does revealed theology teach?
It confirms the findings of natural theology but uncovers truth about the doctrine of the Trinity, the truth about Jesus Christ and Life after death which were revealed by God in the scriptures.
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What is immediate revelation?
It is understood as that in which God makes himself directly known to people, since prophets are said to have immediate revelation since God gave them the exact words (Adam and Eve/ Abraham/Moses/Anyone who met Jesus)
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What is mediate revelation?
This revelation is learned about God and gained less directly. The Bible is considered to be mediate revelation of God since those who had immediate revelation were preserved and interpreted.
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What did Aquinas believe in revelation through faith and God's grace?
In summa Theologica, he explores empirical and logical knowledge which he calls "scientia" is certain since we see it. Faith is not self-evident and is voluntary "An act of the intellect assenting to the truth at the command of the will".
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How do Christians feel about revealed theology?
The Catholic Church teaches that faith and reason should work together as both are given to humanity as gifts from God. Some Christians its impossible to have faith without knowledge, our understanding of something before we choose to put faith in it
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What quote in John's gospel that supports revealed theology?
" ...but these are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing you may have life in his name"
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p1 answer: Why is the Grace of God important to Christian understanding of the knowledge of God?
It is believed that people can only have full knowledge when God graciously chooses to give it : gave the prophets of the Old Testament the right words. Guides writers of scripture God-given authority,Gives wisdom to the revealed.
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p2 answer.
Gives people faith in Christian message, gives people confidence to share Christian faith , enables to live christian life on personal level, strengthens the Church and brings salvation.
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What is the Bible according to Christianity?
It reveals knowledge which people could not have gained in other ways (the creation of the world, disobedience of humanity , the person of Christ) Also contains wisdom literatures, wise insights throughout the generations.
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What is a concern with revealed theology through the Bible?
Difficult to known whether the writers somewhow knew exactly which words to write, given to them by God in some mysterious way or they used their own feelings,insights,and religious experiences, this can be seen in the inconsistencies in the Bible.
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How does the Church have influence on revealed theology?
The church have a responsibility for safeguarding the word of God in the Bible, so that is studied and interpreted correctly and how you apply them to Christian life.
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Quote on Revealed theology:
16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.
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Quote on Revealed theology:
For it is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this is not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What was Bonaventura's analogy of the eye meant to represent the different ways of "seeing"?


1. The eye of the "flesh" is the way of knowing that incorporates sense perception:empiricism of science/ knowledge of physical world.2 The eye of "reason" is mathematical and philosophical truth, logic.3 Eye of "contemplation" knowledge God (faith)

Card 3


What is Polkinghorne's metaphor of binoculars?


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Card 4


What is Natural theology?


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Card 5


Which theologians support Natural theology?


Preview of the front of card 5
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