Kinetics Definitions 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryRatesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: amy_br0Created on: 08-09-14 12:32 Half Life time taken for a variable to fall to half its original value 1 of 14 Rate Determining Step the slowest step and determines the overall rate 2 of 14 Order of Reaction power to which a conc. is raised in the rate equation 3 of 14 Activation Energy minimum amount of energy particles need to have if a collision between them is to result in a reaction 4 of 14 Kinetics the study of rates of reactions and factors affecting rates 5 of 14 First Order rate of reaction is directly proportional to the concentration 6 of 14 Colorimetry measures the conc. of a coloured solution by measuring the amount of a specific wavelength of light absorbed by the solution 7 of 14 Catalyst a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction without going through any chemical change 8 of 14 Zero Order rate of reaction is independant of the concentration of the species 9 of 14 Second Order rate of reaction is proportional to the concentration of that species squared. 10 of 14 Overall Order sum of the powers to which the concentrations have been raised 11 of 14 Rate Equation an equation that relates conc. of substances to the rate of reaction 12 of 14 Rate of Reaction rate at which reactants are consumed or products are formed in a reaction 13 of 14 Rate Constant constant of proportionality in the rate equation, given by symbol "k" 14 of 14
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