What did Krushchev do, after Stalin's death, to those convicted of the Doctor's plot?
He released them
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When was Khrushchev's secret speech and what was it about?
1956, denounced Stalin's use of terror and the gulag system
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When did Khrushchev split the party and into what categories?
He split the party into urban and rural sections in 1962
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blah blah blah
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How was Khrushchev's rise similar to Stalin?
He used the title of party secretary to promote his supporters and establish a support base.
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Who was the most likely candidate to succeed Stalin and what did Khrushchev, and others, do to him?
Beria tried and executed in 1953
8 of 50
When in power how was Khrushchev's solidification of power similar to Stalin?
In 1957 he expelled Bulganin and Zhukov in 1958 due to "anti party actions" thus getting rid of potential competition for leadership and adopting the mantle of General Secretary which made him both gov leader and party leader. Same as Yezhovchina
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blah blah blah
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blah blah blah
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12 of 50
How many Moscow Ministeries were abolished and why?
60, due to ineffieicnecy
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Into how many economic regions was the USSR divided?
14 of 50
In the Seven Year plan of 19__ and the Seventh Five Year Plan of 19__ to 19__ ....
59 - 61 - 65
15 of 50
... both plans focussed on the vast expansion of the ________ industry; the building of new _______ and an increased production of _______ goods.
chemical - housing - consumer
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During Khrushchev's leadership (55-65) what was the increased production of TV's?
500,000 to 3.6 million
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What was the production of Fridges?
150,000 to 1.6 million
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blah blah blah
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What was heavy industry production of coal during Khrushchev's leadership (55-65)
400-600 million tonnes
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What was the production of Tractors?
300,000 - 800,000
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blah blah blah
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blah blah blah
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How much did the price paid to buy grain for the state increase?
24 of 50
State grain procurement quotas were _______
25 of 50
_____ on private plots reduced
26 of 50
What were peasants who did not own animals not forced to do?
deliver meat to the state
27 of 50
Collectives were allowed to set their own __________ targets
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blah blah blah
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The _______ of collective farms into _____ farms called a '_______'
merging - state - Sovkhoz
30 of 50
blah blah blah
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blah blah blah
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Restrictions on foreign __________ and _____ lifted
literature - radio
33 of 50
What programmes did TV's show?
The Bolshoi and Kirov Ballet - The Moscow Circus
34 of 50
What program allowed foreigners to visit the USSR?
35 of 50
When was the World Festival of Youth and how many people (from how many countries) visited?
1957: 34,000 people from 130 countries
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What group was reffered to as the Russian Teddy Boys?
37 of 50
Which writers were released from prison and allowed to sell successful books critical of the Stalinist regime
Vladimir Dudinstev and Aleksandr Solzhen
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blah blah blah
39 of 50
While criticisms of the Stalinist system were allowed what wasn't?
Criticisms of the Soviet Communist system
40 of 50
What writers was not allowed to publish his book 'Doctor Zhivago' and what happened when he published it in Italy?
Boris Pasternak won the Nobel prize but was not allowed to go abroad and recieve it. He was expelled from the Soviet Union of writers while also being criticized heavily by 'Pravda'
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What teaching about religion was implemented into the Soviet syllabus?
42 of 50
When were children banned from attending church service and made a crime for parents to teach them about religion?
43 of 50
_2,000 monasteries in 1960 to _,000 in 196_
(2)2,000 - (8),000 - 196(5)
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blah blah blah
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blah blah blah
46 of 50
In the _____ Year Plan there was a __ hour working week given and a _% rise in wages
Seven - 40 - (4)%
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blah blah blah
48 of 50
In the 1961 Soviet Doctrine what did it state that other Soviet nationalities should do?
That they should disappear and merge into one common tongue and Russian culture
49 of 50
What was Khrushchev's anti-semetic stances?
He did not allow jews to have their own schools and did not allow them to emigrate to Israel post WW2
50 of 50
Other cards in this set
Card 2
blah blah blah
Card 3
What did Krushchev do, after Stalin's death, to those convicted of the Doctor's plot?
Card 4
When was Khrushchev's secret speech and what was it about?
Card 5
When did Khrushchev split the party and into what categories?
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