Keywords - Chapter 4 AQA GCSE PE The keywords featured in Chapter 4 (Diet) for the GCSE AQA Specification. 2.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? Physical EducationGCSEAQA Created by: cg97Created on: 19-04-13 17:37 Nutrients The substances that make up food. 1 of 6 Dehydration The rapid loss of water from the body. 2 of 6 Body Image A personal concept of your own physical appearance. 3 of 6 Basic Metabolic Rate (BMR) The minimum rate of energy required to keep all of the life processes of the body maintained when it is at rest. 4 of 6 Calorie A unit that measures heat or energy production in the body. 5 of 6 Glycogen The form of carbohydrate storage, which is converted into glucose as needed by the body to satisfy its energy needs. 6 of 6
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