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- Created by: meggybabe101
- Created on: 03-05-15 20:13
What is the definition of healthy and active lifestyle?
a lifestyle that contributes positively to physical, mental and social well being. This includes regular exercise and physical activity.
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What is the definition of health?
a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease of imfirmity.
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What is the definition of fitness?
the ability to meet the demands of the environment.
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What is the definition of exercise?
a form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/or physical activity; it is not competitive sport.
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What is the definition of systematic?
planning a training programme for an individual as a result of the effect of previous training.
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What is the definition of individual needs?
match the training to the requirements of an individual. Gender, age, weight, height, interests.
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What is the definition of specificity?
match the training to the requirments of the sport. Sport specific dirll.
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What is the definition of rest and recovery?
rest- the period of time allocated to recovery. Recovery- the time required for the repair of damage to the body caused by training.
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What is the definition of progressive overload?
to gradually increase the amount of overload so that fitness gain occurs, but without potential of injury.
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What is the definition of reversibility?
any adaptation that takes place as a consequence of training will be reversed when you stop training.
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What is the definition of short term rest and recovery?
cool down at the end of a training session.
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What is the definition of long term rest and recovery?
rest and recovery periods built into a seasonal training programme.
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What is the definition of specific?
goals are to the point e.g. time or distance goal for an athlete.
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What is the definition of measurable?
results can be measured and set against reconised norms.
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What is the definition of achievable?
goals that are challenging but reachable.
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What is the definition of realistic?
realistic to the level of skill and fitness of the performer.
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What is the definition of timebound?
goals should be timed.
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What is the definition of goal setting?
a series of phrases setting out achievable targets for progress.
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What is the definition of diet?
the amount of food we can eat on a daily basis 'or' the normal food we eat.
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What is the definition of balanced diet?
have the right amount of each food group on a day to day basis.
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What is the definition of blood shunting?
redistribution of blood.
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What is the definition of optimum weight?
the best weight for the sport.
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What is the definition of macronutrients?
nutrients needed in large amounts.
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What is the definition of micronutrients?
nutrients needed in small amounts.
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What is the definition of a fracture?
a break or crack in the bone.
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What is the definition of a compound fracture?
fractures where the bones breaks the skin.
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What is the definition of a simple fracture?
fractures where the bone does not break the skin.
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What is the definition of a greenstick fracture?
tends to happen in younger children where the bone bends rather then breaks.
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What is the definition of a stress fracture?
this is common in sports injury. It is also associsated with over use. It is also called a hairline fracture as it is normally a very thin crack in the bone.
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What is the definition of dislocation?
when the bone is moved out of its normal position as a joint.
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What is the definition of tennis elbow?
an injury to the muslces of the forearm that allow you to extend your wrist and turn your plam upward, and the tendon that attaches the muscle to the elbow joint.
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What is the definition of golfers elbow?
an injury that effects the muscles and tendons on the inside of the arm responsible for flexing the wrist, and is an injury caused by overuse.
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What is the definition of sprain?
this is caused by twisting suddenly when changing direction or landing heavily. Injury involving joints and ligaments.
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What is the definition of strain?
this is caused by twisting or wrenching the muscle. Pulled muscle as a result of overstretching.
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What is the definition of deep bruising?
this is a bruise of the muscle rather than the skin.
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What is the definition of the septum?
the wall that separates the two sides of the heart so that the blood does not get mixed.
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What is the definition of heart rate?
the number of time the heart beats per minute.
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What is the definition of stroke volume?
the amount of blood ejected from the heart per beat.
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What is the definition of cardiac output?
the amount of blood pumped out of the heart per minute.
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What is the definition of pulmonary circulation?
blood is circulation from the heart to the lungs and then back to the heart.
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What is the definition of systemic circulation?
blood is circulated from the heart to the rest of the body and back to the heart.
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What is the definition of blood pressure?
the amount of force excerted from the blood onto the walls of the vessels.
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What is the definition of systolic blood pressure?
when the ventricles contract and push the blood out.
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What is the definition of diastolic?
when the ventricles relax and the ventricles fill up.
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What is the definition of gaseous exchange?
the swapping of gases
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What is the definition of tidal volume?
the movement of air into and out of the lungs in one normal breath.
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What is the definition of vital capacity?
the maximum amount of air that can be expired after a maximum inspiration.
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What is the definition of oxygen debt?
the amount of oxygen consumed during recovery, above which would normally have been used at rest. It results form a shortfall in availability of oxygen during exercise.
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What is the definition of a joint?
where two or more bones meet.
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What is the definition of hyaline cartilage?
covers the ends of the bones where they meet to stop the bones touching each other. It acts as a cushion and reduces friction.
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What is the definition of synovial fluid?
lubricates the joint to allow for smooth movement. It also keeps the joint free from infection.
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What is the definition of synovial capsule?
this is a tough fibre that surrounds the joint holding the fluid in place.
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What is the definition of synovial membrane?
this secretes or produces synovial fluid.
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What is the definition of cardiac muscle?
vital to life as it controls the transport of oxygen and removal of carbon dioxide.
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What is the definition of smooth muscles?
must be in good condition in order to aid digestion, excretion and circulation.
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What is the definition of voluntary muscles?
allows us to move. It surrond the bone so provides protection.
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What is the definition of muscle tone?
voluntary muscles readiness to work and be in a prepared state to react.
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What is the definition of posture?
the way the muslces hold the body when still or in motion.
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What is the definition of isotonic contraction?
contraction of the muscles when there is movement in the body.
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What is the definition of concentric movement?
when the muscles contract.
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What is the definition of eccentric movement?
when the muscles relax.
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What is the definition of isometric contraction?
when the muscles contract but the body does not move.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
a state of complete physical, mental and social well being and not merely the absence of disease of imfirmity.
What is the definition of health?
Card 3
the ability to meet the demands of the environment.

Card 4
a form of physical activity done to maintain or improve health and/or physical activity; it is not competitive sport.

Card 5
planning a training programme for an individual as a result of the effect of previous training.

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