keywords 0.0 / 5 ? ScienceGCSEAQA Created by: kealieCreated on: 12-05-13 16:39 what name is given to a eclectric current that flows in one direction direct 1 of 14 what name is given to an electric current that reverses its direction of flow repeatedly alternating 2 of 14 what name is given to the end point in a stars life cycle for stars similar in mass to the sun black dwarf 3 of 14 what name is given to the remains of a star after a supernova explosion black hole 4 of 14 what is a alpha particle a helium nucleus 5 of 14 what name is given to a electrical device that allow electric current flow in one direction diode 6 of 14 what name is given to a particle that is an electron emmited from the nucleus beta 7 of 14 what name is given to a push or pull acting on a object force 8 of 14 what name is given to a high energy, high frequency electromagnetic radiation gamma 9 of 14 what name is given to a part of a stars life cycle after its red giant stage white dwarf 10 of 14 what name is given to a catastrophic explosion of a red super giant supernova 11 of 14 what name is given to the speed of a certain object ina specified direction velocity 12 of 14 what name is given to the intial gas and dust that forms a star prostar 13 of 14 what name is given to the decay of unstable nuclei by the emmision of alpha beta particles or gamma radiation radioactive 14 of 14
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