Keywords 0.0 / 5 ? ICTAll of topicsGCSEEdexcel Created by: ReddieEddie2000Created on: 18-12-16 15:22 3G Third-generation wireless communication which allows high-speed wireless data transfer. 1 of 12 Acceptable use policy Rules to which users agree, to reduce the misuse of ICT. Often found on social networking/collaborative sites. 2 of 12 Application (Applications software) Software that helps users perform particular tasks. 3 of 12 Backup A copy of data that is made in case the original data is lost or damaged. The backup can be used to restore the original data. 4 of 12 Bandwidth the amount of data that can fit through an Internet connection. 5 of 12 Biometric An automated method of recognising a person based on physical characteristics. 6 of 12 Blog A shared online journal where people can post diary entries about their personal experiences and hobbies. 7 of 12 Blue-jacking The sending of unwanted messages to others over Bluetooth connections. 8 of 12 Bluetooth Allows the exchange of data over short distances from fixed and mobile devices. 9 of 12 Blu-Ray A disk that enables the recording, rewriting and playback of high-definition video and the storing of large amounts of data. 10 of 12 Broadband A high-speed connection to the Internet. 11 of 12 Buffering Downloading a certain amount of data into temporary storage before starting to play a file. 12 of 12
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