
The degree to which the state can be considered to have the right to exercise power.
1 of 9
Members of the political community have certain rights with respect to political institutions. The individual has the right to live in a state and thus enjoys its rights and benefits.
2 of 9
Political Participation
Opportunities for the people to become involved in the political process. This can include voting, or being a member of a party or pressure group.
3 of 9
Describes methods by which political opinion is expressed thruogh the internet, such as e-petitions or blogs.
4 of 9
Direct Democracy
A political system where the people make key political decisions; for example, through the use of a referendum.
5 of 9
A vote where the people are asked to determine a constitutional or political issue
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Representative Democracy
Where most decisions are made by elected repreentatives, rather than by the people.
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Liberal Democracy
A type of democracy where there is an emphasis on the protection of rights and liberties, and where government is limited by constitutional law.
8 of 9
Parliamentary Democracy
A type of representative democracy where an elected parliament is the source of all political authority, and where government is mainly drawn from parliament.
9 of 9

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Card 2


Members of the political community have certain rights with respect to political institutions. The individual has the right to live in a state and thus enjoys its rights and benefits.



Card 3


Opportunities for the people to become involved in the political process. This can include voting, or being a member of a party or pressure group.


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Card 4


Describes methods by which political opinion is expressed thruogh the internet, such as e-petitions or blogs.


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Card 5


A political system where the people make key political decisions; for example, through the use of a referendum.


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