keywords 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesChristianityGCSEAQA Created by: __lishi.ikCreated on: 08-03-19 13:44 agnosticism not being sure whether god exists 1 of 33 atheism believing that god does not exist 2 of 33 conversion when your life is changed by giving yourself to god 3 of 33 free will the idea that humans are free to make their own choices 4 of 33 miracle something which seems to break a law of science and makes you think only god could have done it 5 of 33 moral evil actions done by humans which causes suffering 6 of 33 natural evil things that cause suffering but have nothing to do with humans 7 of 33 numinous the feeling of the presence of something greater than you 8 of 33 omni-benevolent belief that god is all-good 9 of 33 omnipotent belief that god is all-powerful 10 of 33 omniscient belief that god knows everything 11 of 33 prayer an attempt to contact god, usually through words 12 of 33 abortion the removal of a foetus from the womb before it can survive 13 of 33 monotheism believing in one god 14 of 33 trinity belief that there are three persons in one god- father, son and holy spirit 15 of 33 incarnation jesus becoming flesh and taking human form 16 of 33 resurrection rising from the dead 17 of 33 crucifixion where criminals are fixed to a cross of wood 18 of 33 sin actions that go against gods law 19 of 33 ascension when jesus went up into heaven 40 days after the resurrection 20 of 33 salvation being rescued from sin and given the chance to go to heaven 21 of 33 atonement restoring the relationship between god and humans through the death and resurrection of jesus 22 of 33 immanent belief that god is part of the world 'in it' 23 of 33 transcendent belief that god is outside of the world but still controls it 24 of 33 worship an act of religious praise, honour or devotion 25 of 33 liturgical worship a church service following a set structure e.g. hymn 26 of 33 non-liturgical worship a service that does not follow a set structure 27 of 33 sacrament rites and rituals through which a believer receives a special grace: an outward action representing an inner meaning e.g. baptism, holy communion 28 of 33 christmas the day remembering the incarnation, the birth of jesus 29 of 33 easter the season celebrating the resurrection of jesus from the dead 30 of 33 evangelism spreading the christian gospel by public preaching of personal witness 31 of 33 reconciliation restoring relationships that have broken down- also a sacrament 32 of 33 persecution poor treatment of people because of their religious or political views 33 of 33
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