Key words
4.5 / 5 based on 3 ratings
- Created by: missagentpotter
- Created on: 12-04-15 14:13
Moving a limb or bone away from the body.
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Moving a limb or bone towards the body.
2 of 171
Displaying a product, name or logo in public.
3 of 171
'With Oxygen', when exercise is moderate and steady, the heart can supply all the oxygen the working muscles need.
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The ability to change postion of the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body easily.
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Altitude Training
Training at a place situated between 1.8km and 3km above sea level.
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Performer who competes for pleasure without monetary reward.
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'Without oxygen' when exercising in short, fast bursts, the heart cannot supply blood and oxygen to the muscles as fast as the cells can use them, so the energy is released without oxygen present.
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A muscle whose action counteracts that of another muscle and so allowing movement.
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Official policy of racial segregation.
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Asymmetric bars
A piece of gymnastic equipment used by females with bars at different heights.
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The ability to keep the body stable whether still, moving or in a different shape by keeping the centre of gravity iver the base.
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Balanced competiton
Grouping based on size, age or experience for an even match.
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Balanced diet
Daily intake of food containing the right type and amounts of nutrients.
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Blood viscosity
Thickness of blood.
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Body Composition
The proportion of body weight that is fat, muscle and bon, normally measured in a percentage.
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Brownfield sites
Underdeveloped, derelict, contaminated or vacant areas.
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An essential element for strong healthy bones, provided by dairy products.
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Blood vessels of hair-like thinness that connect the arteries with the veins.
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Carbohydrate loading
Building up carbohyrdate levels to use in edurance events.
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Cardiac Output
The amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute.
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The amount of blood pumped by the heart in one minute.
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Cardiovasucalar endurance
The ability of the heart to provide oxygen to muscles during physical activity for a prolonged period of time.
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Cardiovascular fitness
The ability to exercise the entire body for long periods of time, this is dependent on the fitness of the heart, blood and blood vessels.
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Tissue found at the end of the bone.
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Circuit training
A series of exercises completed in order for a certain time limit.
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Circulatory system
Transports blood around the body using the heart.
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Closed skills
Basic skills unaffected by the sporting enviroment.
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Combination events
An event where different activities make up a whole sport.
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Compound/ Open fracture
Break of a bone that pierces the skin, casuing a risk of infection.
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Injury to the brain, caused by a blow to the head, may cause a person to temporarily lose consciousness.
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Continuous training
Aerobic exercising, at a moderate to high level, with no rests lasting for a sustained period of time.
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The ability to perform complex moves using two or more body parts together.
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Extreme lack of water in the body, usually as a result of exercising in hot conditions or heavy sweating.
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Disturbance of the arrangement of bones so that they move out of their usual joint arrangement.
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A somatotype, individuals with narrow shorlders and narrow hips characterized by thinness.
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A part that contributes to the whole.
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A somatotype, individuals with wide hips and narrow shoulders characterized by fatness.
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Internal space of the blood vessels.
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The ability to keep working over a period of time without timring of losing skill.
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Energy Drinks
Fluids containing carbohydrates.
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Particular attribute or affiliration resulting from racial or cultural ties.
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A code of polite behaviour
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A form of physical activity done primarily to improve one's health and physical fitness.
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Increasing the angle at a joint.
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Extrinsic feedback
External information gathered by the performer based on what is seen or heard at the time of action.
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Fartlek training
'Speed play' changing speed, distance, and times od exercise with rest in the same session.
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Fast twitch muscles fibres
Used in events requiring quick reactions and power, muscles contract rapidly providing strength and so tire quickly.
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Extreme tiredness and physical exhaustion.
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A protein found in blood plasma that helps clotting.
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Frequency, Indentsity, Duration.
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Frequency, Intensity, Time, Type.
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Fixed practice
Repeating closed skills in the same conditionsin training.
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Range of movement at a joint.
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Decreasing the angle at a joint.
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Blocking out other thoughts and concentrating on performance only.
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Action of two surfaces rubbing together creating heat.
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The sex of a person.
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The form in which carbohydrates are stored in the mucles and liver.
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Supporting a performer or sport finacially without monetary return.
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Help and instruction given to complete a task.
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Found in red blood cells, transports blood around the body.
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Devices and equipment that make up a computer system.
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A state of complete mental, physical and social wellbeing and not mearly the absence of disease or infirmity.
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Healthy, active lifestyle
A lifestyle that contibutes to physical, social and mental being that includes physical activity.
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Heart rate
The number of times the heart beats per minute.
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Condition of the body when its core temprature falls below 35C.
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Individual needs
Personal requirements for training.
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Basic faccilities and services for the funtioning of the community r
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Action in a game that breaks the rules.
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The point where a tendon attaches a muscles to bone where there is movement.
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Institute of Sport Sponsership (ISS)
Promotes the best practice in sponsereship, working closely with sports bodies, government and the media.
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Interval Training
Mixing periods of hard exercise with rest periods.
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Interinsic feedback
Internal information gathered by the performer at the time of the action about how they feel the preformance is going.
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The point where two or more joints meet.
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Knock-out tournament
Competitors where progress is depndant on winning each game played.
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Latic acid
Produced in the muscle tissues during anaerobic exercise, as a result of insufficient oxygen.
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A competition where participents are allowed to challenge those ranked higher in order the move up the rank.
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Free time to do what a person chooses.
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Elastic fibres that attach bone to bone.
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Long bones
The bones that make up the longest bones in the body which make up the arms and legs.
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Main activity
Period of training competition or performance when all-out effort is applied.
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Maximum heart rate
220 minus age.
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Of the mind.
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Mental rehearsal
Going throuugh and activity in the mind.
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a somatotype, indivduals with wide shoulders and narrow hips, characerized by muscularity.
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Minimum level of fitness
The resulting level of fitness over a period of weeks of three to five exercise sessions of 20 mins raising the heart rate to between 60-80 per cent of their maximum.
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Minority sports
A sport with few participants or followers.
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Balancing training and rest.
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Modified game
A game with adapted rules, equipment and playing area based on a full game.
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In motion, could be an action like running or swinging a racket at a ball.
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Muscle definition
Muscle shape.
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Muscle tone
Muscles on a state of very slight tension, ready and waiting to be used.
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Muscular endurance
The muscles' ability to move weight over long periods of time without getting tired.
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National Healthly Schools Programme (NHSP)
An intitiative promoting te link between good health, behaviour and achievement.
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National Vocational Qualification (NVQ)
Qualifications based on the competence and that test the candidate's ability to adapt learning to the workplace.
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A term used to describe people who are very overfat.
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Open Competition
A competition inviting both proffessional and amateur performers to particepate without restrictions.
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Open Skills
Complex skills performed in constantly chnaging conditions.
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Optimum weight
Ideal weight for a person, giving them the best chance of success in an activity.
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The point where the tendon attaches the muscle to a fixed bone.
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A person who has more body fat than is recommened for their gender and height.
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Exercising the body more than normal.
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Overuse injury
This can be caused by using a part of th body too much or by too much repetitive training.
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Having a weight in excess of normal. Can be muscles.
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Oxygen debt
The amount og oxygen consumed during recovery above that which would have been consumed in the same time at rest.
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Part practice
Completing part of a complex action in training.
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Pastoral Care
Following policies and procedures in order to look after the welfare of young people.
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Extra sporting events, bought individually by the viewer and avaliable only via subscription.
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How well a task is completed.
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Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)
A subject providing learning opportunities for students to develop the knowledge and skills for use as a responsible member of society.
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Personal Training Programme (PTP)
Training designed specificcally for one individual.
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PESSCL (2003- 2008)
Pyhsical Education, School Sport and Club Links, a statergy by the government managed by the Youth Sports trust to increase sporting opportunities for 5-16year olds.
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PESSYP (2008+)
Physical Education and sport stratergy for Young People. The PESSCL's new name.
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Of the body.
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Physical Activity Policy
An initiative for schools to promote physical activity.
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THe way the muscles hold the body.
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The ability to apply strength and speed in an action.
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Prime mover
Contracting muscle that cause movement.
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Principles of training
Ideas behind effects of training.
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Performer playing and training full-time for financial reward.
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Gradually increasing the stresses put on the body.
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Guard against threat.
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Qualifying rounds
A competition where a standard must be reached to allow the performer to go to the next stage of the competition.
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Reaction time
The time between the presentation of a stimulus and the onset of a movement.
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Recovery rate
The time it takes for the the heart and metabolism to return to its resting rate.
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Time to relax and do something active.
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Repeating exercise sessions in a week to bring improved fitness.
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Resting heart rate
Number of heart beats when the body is at rest.
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When training stops, any gain of the activity is lost.
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Rest, Ice, Compression, Elavation.
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Movement in a circular fashion.
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Round Robin
A competition where all teams in a group play each other.
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Satellite TV
Programmes available to those who purchase a reciever and pay a subscription.
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Form or outline.
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Simple or closed fracture
Break of a bone when the skin is not broken.
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The arrangement of 206 bones of the human body.
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Skin-fold calliper
Equipment used to measure a fold of skin with its underlying layer of fat.
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Slow twitch muscle fibres
Muscle fibres required in edurance events.
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To do with the community or society
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Programmes and applications that run on a computer.
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Classification of the body type.
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Matching training to the needs of the physical activity or the muscle groups needed.
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The fastest rate at which an individual is able to perform a moverment or cover a distance in a period of time.
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Backing perfromers finacially in return for advertising a product.
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The ability of muscles to apply force and overcome resisitance.
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A state of mental or emotional strain leading to anxiety and nervous tension.
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Stoke volume
The amount of blood pumped out of the heart by each ventricle during one contration.
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Synovial joints
Freely movable joints with end covered in cartilage.
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Systematic training
Planning a programme for an individual as a result of the effect of previous training.
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Target zones
The range within an individual needs to work for aerobic training to take place. (60-80%)
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Attaches a bone to a muscle
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Terrestrial TV
Programmes available to everyone with a television set and lisence.
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Throwing cage
A secure enclosure around a throwing area.
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The ability to judge the time and place of an object's arrival and then select plan and exucute appropriate movements.
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A planned programme which uses scientific principles to improve performance, skill, game ability and motor and physical fitness.
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Training zones
Working abover 80% of the maximum heart rate (Anaerobic threshold)
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Current fad or fashion
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UK Coaching Certificate
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UK Sport
A body responsible for managing and ditributing public investment and proceeds from the national lottery, aiming to lead world class success.
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Openings allowing blood flow in one direction, found in the heart and veins.
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Variable Practice
Performing whole skills in changing conditions in training.
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Create a positive mental pictures of the successful attempt prior to actual exercution.
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VO2 Max
Maximum amount of oxygen the body can take.
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Volentary Muscles
Skeletal muscles, attached to the skeleton, work consciously by the brain.
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Being exsposed to the possibility of being attacked or harmed, either physically or emotionally.
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Exercises after the main activity which gradually bring the body's systems back to near resting state.
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Exercises that gradually put stresses on the body to prepare it for the main activity.
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Weight Training
Proggressively lifting heavier weights to improve strength or lifting weights more often and for longer to improve muscular endurance.
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Whole practice
Repeating the complete action in training.
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Whole School Food Policy (WSFP)
A Government initiative showing the importance of eating the correct food and how it has a bearing on health and well-being.
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
Moving a limb or bone towards the body.
Card 3
Displaying a product, name or logo in public.
![Preview of the back of card 3](
Card 4
'With Oxygen', when exercise is moderate and steady, the heart can supply all the oxygen the working muscles need.
![Preview of the back of card 4](
Card 5
The ability to change postion of the body quickly and to control the movement of the whole body easily.
![Preview of the back of card 5](
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