Key Terms 0.0 / 5 ? GeographyGCSEAll boards Created by: Caitlyn GraystonCreated on: 24-03-13 11:33 Overpopulation Too many people in a place which cannot support them with food, water, jobs 1 of 13 Exponential growth The increasing rate of growth created by more people in the world having more children 2 of 13 Natural Increase The difference between the number of babies being born and the number of people dying 3 of 13 Birth rate Number of babies being born per 1000 population in a country 4 of 13 Death rate Number of deaths per 1000 population in a country 5 of 13 Population Stabilisation When the birth rates and death rates are almost equal 6 of 13 Fertility rate Number of children born, on average, to women of child bearing age 7 of 13 Population policy Measures taken by governments to influence population size. growh, distibution or composition 8 of 13 Anti - natalist Policies to encourage people to have fewer children 9 of 13 Pro - natalist Policies to encourage people to have more children 10 of 13 Immigrant The movement of people from one place to another 11 of 13 Migrant A person that moves to another country 12 of 13 GNI - Gross National Income Average money earned if divided equally among all people in a country per year 13 of 13
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