key dates and events, 1642-1660
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- Created by: Pippa
- Created on: 02-06-13 12:41
battle of edgehill
Oct 1642
1 of 69
CI made oxford his base
2 of 69
the assessment tax
feb 1643
3 of 69
the excise tax
july 1643
4 of 69
battle of roundway down
5 of 69
solemn league and covenant
6 of 69
battle of marston moor
july 1644
7 of 69
self-denying ordinance
apr 1645
8 of 69
battle of naseby
jun 1645
9 of 69
battle of langport
july 1645
10 of 69
proposed settlements to the King - rejected
11 of 69
MPs attempt to disband NMA
feb 1647
12 of 69
soldiers petitioned to fairfax
mar 1647
13 of 69
Presbyterian MPs produced the 'Declaration of dislike'
mar 1647
14 of 69
amry revolt
may 1647
15 of 69
joyce kidnaps the king
jun 1647
16 of 69
solemn engagement
june 1647
17 of 69
'Representation of the Army'
june 1647
18 of 69
'Heads of Proposals'
jul 1647
19 of 69
agreement of the people
20 of 69
Putney debates
Oct-Nov 1647
21 of 69
king escapes from hampton court
nov 1647
22 of 69
vote of no further addresses
jan 1648
23 of 69
second civil war
spring-sept 1648
24 of 69
battle of preston
aug 1648
25 of 69
army remonstrance
nov 1648
26 of 69
pride's purge
dec 1648
27 of 69
rump parliament
dec 1648
28 of 69
execution of the king
jan 1649
29 of 69
CII formally swore to the covenant
june 1650
30 of 69
'act of blashpemy'
aug 1650
31 of 69
battle of dunbar
sept 1650
32 of 69
legal proceedings and court cases to be in english
dec 1650
33 of 69
cromwell returned to england from ireland
may 1650
34 of 69
battle of worcester
sept 1651
35 of 69
navigation act
36 of 69
act of obilivion
37 of 69
1st anglo-dutch war
38 of 69
dissolution of rump
apr 1653
39 of 69
nominated assembly
apr 1653
40 of 69
resignation of barebones
dec 1653
41 of 69
instrument of government
dec 1653
42 of 69
start of the protectorate
dec 1653
43 of 69
defeat of dutch - treaty of westminster/london
apr 1654
44 of 69
1st protectorate parliament
sept 1654
45 of 69
end of 1st protectorate parliament
jan 1655
46 of 69
major generals
aug 1655
47 of 69
penruddock's rising
mar 1655
48 of 69
defensive alliance with france against spain
oct 1655
49 of 69
the western design
50 of 69
1st session of 2nd protectorate parliament
sept 1656
51 of 69
nayler case
dec 1656
52 of 69
militia bill
dec 1656
53 of 69
defeated the 'militia bill
jan 1657
54 of 69
MGs finished
feb 1657
55 of 69
humble petition and advice
mar 1657
56 of 69
end of 1st session of 2nd protectorate parliament
jun 1657
57 of 69
crom accepts HP&A with alterations
jun 1657
58 of 69
2nd session of 2nd protectorate parliament
jan-feb 1658
59 of 69
battle of the Dunes, captured Dunkirk
jun 1658
60 of 69
cromwell dies
sept 1658
61 of 69
richard cromwell's protectorate
sept 1658
62 of 69
rich crom's protectorate fails
may 1659
63 of 69
failure of the rump (again)
may - oct 1659
64 of 69
failure of army rule (committee of safety)
oct-dec 1659
65 of 69
decisive intervention of Monck
66 of 69
long parliament
feb-mar 1660
67 of 69
convention parliament
apr-may 1660
68 of 69
restoration of CII
69 of 69
Other cards in this set
Card 2
CI made oxford his base
Card 3
the assessment tax
Card 4
the excise tax
Card 5
battle of roundway down
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