Keeping for safe
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- Created by: Evegilmore
- Created on: 14-05-18 09:01
Give some tips for personal Hygine???
1. Always wear a clean apron as the apron harbours bacteria, which then can spread onto the food. 2. Wash hands thoroughly to make sure all bacteria are washed off. 3. Always wash hands after visiting the toilet to prevent germs spreadings
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What is Cross contamination?
When a food-poising bacterium passes from one area to another.
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Give example how how foods can be at risk of cross contamination?
1. Bacteria from raw meat can pass onto cooked meat. 2. A chopping bored used for raw meat is used to slice cooked ham. 3. A bowl used for mixing raw eggs could be used to make a sandwich filling without being washed.
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What is Deterioration if food mean?
Things like mould, wilting and rotting
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Give some examples of how we can pervent food from deteroating??
2. check date before buying 3. pack raw and cooked food separately 4. pack chilled and frozen food in a cool bag 5. Store food as soon as you arrive home. Avoid leaving perishable food in hot cars.
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Give five examples of how we can store food correctly??
1. throw away foods away that are out of date 2. Store food according to instructions on the packaging 3. Store food in a cool, dry, clean place away from pests and pets. 4. Store food in a fridge that is operating at 5˚C or below.Store frozen foods
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Give another 3 examples??
6. keep food covered 7. Cool food quickly before storage. 8. Avoid cross-contamination of food during storage by keeping raw food such as meat away from cooked food such as ham.
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What temperture should your fridge be at??
4/5 degress celius
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Why should the fridge doors not be left open??
As this allows warm air to enter the fridge causing cross contamination
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Why should we not overload our fridges??
This pervents cold air from cirrculating effectively
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How can we pervent cross contamination of raw and cooked foods in a fridge??
store cooked foods above raw foods as cooked foods will not drip
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What temperture should are frezzes be at??
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True of false?? We should never refrezze thawed food??
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How long should we store this food for with this store rating *
one week
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This star **
One month
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Finallt this star rating ***
3 months
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What are three tips for cooking foods
• Cook to at least 72˚C in the centre- test with food probe. • Use instructions on packet to cook food using the correct temperature and time. • Always cook poultry thoroughly.
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What is the danger zone between??
5-63- store food above 5 and above cook above 63
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True of false frezzing klls bacteria
False frezzing food does not kill bacteria it does however prevent it from growing
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Where is food bacteria found??
• People- found in nose, mouth, intestine and skin. Also poor hygiene e.g. coughing, spitting etc. Raw food and soil. Pests and pets
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Name some high risk foodsof cross contamination??
cooked meat such as ham -cooked chicken -cooked eggs
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Exaplain this law The food safety (NI) Order 1991 and The General Food Regulations (Northern Ireland) 2004
This law makes it an offence to sell food which fails to comply with the food safety requirements
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What are some symtoms of samonella??
Abdominal pain, Diarrhoea, Fever and vomiting
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What are some high risk foods of samonella?
Raw meat, Poultry, Eggs
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How can we prevent samonella??
Cook food to 75 degrees in centre, avoid cross contamination
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What are some symtoms of Listeria??
Mild and flu like but can invade blood stream and cause brain disease.
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Why should pregnant woman be careful of this bacteria??
Dangerous for pregnant women as risk of abortion
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What are some sources of listeria??
Soft cheeses and pates ready meals/sandwhiches
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What are some methods of control??
Buy cooked meats and soft cheeses from good suppliers. Store food below 5°C
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How can listeria be destoyed??
Through pasteurisation
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What is the role of EHO??
The EHOS try to make sure that the Councils area is a healthy place for you to live, work and play
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What are there areas of work??
o Sell consumer goods which are unsafe o Sell food which is unfit for you to eat o Sell food which would be harmful to your health There are also laws on how food is labelled and the cleanliness of the places where food is being sold.
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Why are babies at greater isk than adults??
Because their immune systems are less developed
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Name some safetly percautions we should take while preparing and serving food for babies??
Alll equipment should be sterilised-steam steiliser,Foods should be cooked until piping hot then left to cool, Only boiled eggs should be consumed,
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What are some symtoms of Staphylococus aureus
Vommiting diarrhoea
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What are soem food sources
Cooked meats, poultry and unpasteurised milk
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What does it mean by staphylococus taoxins are resistant
They can not be destroyed through heat
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What are some methods of control
Keep foods serving areas clean, cover all wounds or cuts, ensure food is cooked above 63, keep food handling time minimum, keep personal hygiene standards very high
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is Cross contamination?
When a food-poising bacterium passes from one area to another.
Card 3
Give example how how foods can be at risk of cross contamination?

Card 4
What is Deterioration if food mean?

Card 5
Give some examples of how we can pervent food from deteroating??

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