What did Kant argue all ethical decisions needed to be based on?
Reason + absolute right/wrong
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What did Kant believe about human knowledge?
Not complete; of world as it appears to be, not as it really is
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What did Kant believe about structures/categories of thought?
Built into mind, structure = pre-programmed?
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What does Kant believe that practical reason does?
Looks at evidence + argument before deciding what needs to be done.
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What quote from Kant links w/ his belief that people are aware of their inner morality?
"Two things fill the find with ever increasing admiration...the starry heavens above me and the moral law within me."
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What was Kant's criticism of Descartes' "I think, therefore I am" statement on human knowledge?
Gives no info on what "I" is
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What are the three parts of practical reason acc. to Kant?
Freedom, duty, good will
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What did Kant think made an action truly good?
If it was done b/c it was morally right
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What did Kant believe made a person truly free?
The ability to exercise freedom (autonomy of the will)
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What did Kant believe duty needed to be done for in order to make it morally good?
Its own sake, regardless of beenfit
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What is the "Formula of the Law of Nature"?
Act only acc. to maxim where you can esnure that it becomes universal law.
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What is the "Formula of End in Itself"?
Act as to treat humanity...never solely as a means but always as an end.
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What is the "Formula of a Kingdom of Ends?"
Act as if a legislating member in the universal Kingdom of ends.
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Give one strength of Kantian ethics.
Clear criteria to assess morality, humans have intrinsic dignity, categorical imperative not culturally relative (same for everyone)
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Give one weakness of Kantian ethics.
System only works if everyone views purpose of humans the same way, conflicting duties not addressed, People rarely act from pure practical reason – to say duty > feeling = inhuman.
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How would Kant resond to genetic engineering?
Doesn't protect human dignity (embryos), could prohibit everyday procedures like blood transfusions (blood = means to end),
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What is Kant's categorical imperative?
Commands to perform absolute actions - moral oblig. w/o ref. to ends, e.g I should always complete my homework.
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