Kantian Ethics 0.0 / 5 ? Religious StudiesEthicsASOCR Created by: Ashaejada79Created on: 24-07-17 00:59 Who founded Kantian Ethics? Immanuel Kant 1 of 8 Translate the Greek term 'deon' into english duty 2 of 8 As a deontological theory, Kantian ethics is also referred to as duty based ethics 3 of 8 In the second stage of the categorical imperative which example does Kant use? The greedy shopkeeper 4 of 8 What goes hand in hand with duty? good will 5 of 8 our sense of reason is... a priori synthetic, innate and autonomous 6 of 8 Kantian ethics is a ... absolutist theory 7 of 8 hypothetical imperatives focus on the action itself 8 of 8
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