Identify 4 requirements for participation in active leisure and recreation (4 marks)
Fitness, Ability, Resources, Time
1 of 17
Explain how these 4 requirements restrict access for a specific target group (4 marks)
Lack of fitness for a sedentary person, insufficient equipment for people in lower socio economic groups, lack of free time for women with families
2 of 17
Selecting two of the requirements for participation identify strategies that have been introduced in order to maximise participation (2 marks)
Fitness- wider variety of activities, Ability- taster sessions for begginers, Resources- cheap hire costs and better facilities, Time- creche and childcare available at different times
3 of 17
Define health (1 mark)
" A complete state of physical and mental well being and not merely in the absence of disease "
4 of 17
Define fitness (1 mark)
" The ability to meet the demmands of the enviroment without undue fatigue "
5 of 17
Define exercise (1 mark)
" A physical activity that leads to a positive physiological adaption "
6 of 17
Using examples explain how it is possible to be healthy without being fit and fit without being healthy (4 marks)
Healthy without being fit- Active middle aged who eats correctly may not meet the specific demmands of a specific sport. Fit without being healthy- sumo
7 of 17
Define Basal Metabolic Rate (1 mark)
" The speed at which your body converts and uses calories and energy to fuel the activites that you undertake "
8 of 17
Identify factors that could raise basal metabolic rate (3 marks)
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