Jekyll and Hyde - Quotes Quiz (Part 3) 0.0 / 5 ? English LiteratureJekyll and HydeGCSEAQA Created by: KA_MissButlerCreated on: 08-04-20 12:53 Finish the quote (Hyde): "Lay the body of a man sorely contorted and ... still twitching" 1 of 19 Fill in the gap (Letter to Utterson): "Your ________ and unhappy friend Henry Jekyll" unworthy 2 of 19 "my life, my honour, my reason, are all at your mercy; if you fail me tonight, I am lost" - Who did Jekyll say this to? Lanyon 3 of 19 Who stated Hyde's touch gave an: "certain icy pang across my blood"? Lanyon 4 of 19 Fill in the gap (Lanyon): "My life is _____ to its roots; sleep has left me; the deadliest terror sits by me" shaken 5 of 19 Finish the quote (Jekyll): "I stood already committed to a profound ... duplicity of life" 6 of 19 Finish the quote: "Man is not truly one but ... truly two" 7 of 19 Who stated: "I learned to recognise the primitive duality of man"? Jekyll 8 of 19 Fill in the gap: "good shone upon the countenance of one, evil was written _____ and plainly on the face of the other" broadly 9 of 19 Finish the quote: "Edward Hyde, alone in the ranks of mankind was ... pure evil" 10 of 19 Fill in the gap (Jekyll): "I now had two characters as well as two ______, one was wholly evil" appearances 11 of 19 Finish the quote: "Edward Hyde would pass away like the stain of breath... upon a mirror" 12 of 19 Fill in the gap: "It was Hyde, and Hyde ______ after all, that was guilty" alone 13 of 19 Finish the quote (Jekyll): "I was slowly losing hold of my ... better and original self" 14 of 19 Fill in the gap (Jekyll): "My ____ had long been caged, it came out roaring" devil 15 of 19 Who had: "fallen upon his knees and lifted his clasped hands to God" in remorse for his sins? Jekyll 16 of 19 Fill in the gap: "The powers of Hyde seemed to have grown with the _______ of Jekyll" sickliness 17 of 19 Finish the quote: "Thought of Hyde [...] as something not only hellish but... inorganic" 18 of 19 Fill in the gap (Jekyll about Hyde): "Hence the ape-like ______ that he would play me" tricks 19 of 19
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