Jane Eyre - Setting 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? English LiteratureJane EyreGCSEAQA Created by: gilljasmine13Created on: 14-01-18 14:23 Gateshead Hall Beginning of her life ='gates' as well as the start of the novel 1 of 5 Lowood School Low part of Janes life as she experiences the loss of Helen Burns and learns to control her emotions 2 of 5 Thornfield Every relationship has its thorns just like Jane and Rochesters relationship when Jane gets jealous as Blanche Ingram arrives 3 of 5 Moor House Where Jane spiritually and mentally heals and has some space 4 of 5 Fearndean A place of death,illness and decay which Mr Rochester wouldnt even take Jane to. Presents Jane as supernatural and Rochester as human. 5 of 5
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