Italy - Key People

  • Created by: RavenF
  • Created on: 05-12-19 14:01
Liberal politician, 5-time PM of Italy. Expert in Transformismo, used corruption, patronage and manipulation to achieve his political aims. Policies - welfare, literacy, economic prosperity. Targeted Socialists, Catholics, Nationalists opposed him.
Giovanni Giolitti
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Joined Fascists, 1921 - organised Squadristi (Violent Fascist squads), involved in March on Rome. 1933, Governor of Libya. Opposed Antisemitism, opposed alliance with Hitler, wanted to ally with Britain.
Italo Balbo
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Founding member of PNF (Fascists) - Married Mussolini's daughter. 1935, Minister of Press and Propagand, 1936, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Executed for voting to remove Mussolini during war. Was also against Antisemitic policies.
Count Galeazzo Ciano
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Italian poet/ writer/ soldier, became national hero during WW1. Nationalist, horrified by Italy's 'mutilated victory' - 1919, led band of rebel soldiers, took control of Fiume. Radical/theatrical nature of his gov. of Fiume influenced Mussolini.
Gabriele D'annunzio
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Initially Liberal, later became Fascist. Finance Minister 1922-25. Policies led to great improvements in Italian economy (tax cuts, stimulating investments etc.) , yet replaced when economic momentum decreased with Mussolini.
Alberto de Stefani
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King of Italy 1900. Supported entry into WW1, 1915. Socialist strike in 1922 led him to appoint someone to restore political stability, Mussolini, didn't want him as long-term PM. Dismissed Muss. in 1943, negotiated armistice with Allies, new PM.
Victor Emmanuel III
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Very radical Fascist, involved in organising Squadristi. Helped establish Fascist dominance, 1922, Secretary of Fascist party 1925. Urged Mussolini to join Axis powers. 1943, colluded with others of Grand Council of Fascism to arrest Mussolini.
Roberto Farinacci
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Joined Blackshirts 1920. Involved in March on Rome. 1929, appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs. Radical, supported Squadristi. Headed the removal of Mussolini at the Fascist Grand Council, July 1943.
Dino Grandi
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Opposed Fascists after WW1. Spoke out in Chamber of Deputies against Fascist violence during 1924 elections. Kidnapped, murdered, body found in shallow grave 23km from Rome. His murder led to increased criticism of Fascism and Mussolini.
Giacomo Matteotti
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Fascist dictator of Italy, 1925-42. Initially radical, increasingly convinced that nationalism was key to political power. Supported Italy's entry in WW1. PM of Fascists 1922, established dictatorship by 1925.
Benito Mussolini
10 of 10

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Card 2


Joined Fascists, 1921 - organised Squadristi (Violent Fascist squads), involved in March on Rome. 1933, Governor of Libya. Opposed Antisemitism, opposed alliance with Hitler, wanted to ally with Britain.


Italo Balbo

Card 3


Founding member of PNF (Fascists) - Married Mussolini's daughter. 1935, Minister of Press and Propagand, 1936, Minister of Foreign Affairs. Executed for voting to remove Mussolini during war. Was also against Antisemitic policies.


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Card 4


Italian poet/ writer/ soldier, became national hero during WW1. Nationalist, horrified by Italy's 'mutilated victory' - 1919, led band of rebel soldiers, took control of Fiume. Radical/theatrical nature of his gov. of Fiume influenced Mussolini.


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Card 5


Initially Liberal, later became Fascist. Finance Minister 1922-25. Policies led to great improvements in Italian economy (tax cuts, stimulating investments etc.) , yet replaced when economic momentum decreased with Mussolini.


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