Italian unification

1815 Congress of Vienna
Italy divided into separate states, Metternich- 'Italians should continue not to exist.' Piedmont, Victor Emmanuel I, Lombardy; Venetia, governed from Vienna. Central duchies returned to control of Austria appointed rulers. Papal states restored.
1 of 5
A national feeling was being developed, no single Italian language.
2 of 5
Restored Monarchs
Lombardy, Venetia, controlled from Vienna. Anxious to return to reactionary ways. Struggle between progress and brutal oppression from Monarchs. Had alliance with the church, and friendly with Hapsburg government in Austria.
3 of 5
'Italia fara de sa'
Italy would unite herself by herself, not on the agenda of Italian champions.
4 of 5
Emmanuel I, education handed back to control of the catholic churc
5 of 5

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Card 2


A national feeling was being developed, no single Italian language.



Card 3


Lombardy, Venetia, controlled from Vienna. Anxious to return to reactionary ways. Struggle between progress and brutal oppression from Monarchs. Had alliance with the church, and friendly with Hapsburg government in Austria.


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Card 4


Italy would unite herself by herself, not on the agenda of Italian champions.


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Card 5


Emmanuel I, education handed back to control of the catholic churc


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