Issues and debates definitions 4.0 / 5 based on 2 ratings ? PsychologyIssues and DebatesA2/A-levelAQA Created by: PickledwalnutsCreated on: 08-05-17 22:17 Behaviour is caused by internal/external factors determinism 1 of 10 Humans free to choose thoughts and actions free will 2 of 10 Human chatacteristics are innate resulting from heredity nature 3 of 10 Mind is a blank slate written on by learning and experience nurture 4 of 10 Break behaviour down to constituent parts, parsimony reductionism 5 of 10 Behaviour only understood by considering whole expeience holism 6 of 10 General laws of human behaviour nomothetic 7 of 10 Individuals seen as unique with subjective experiences idiographic 8 of 10 Idiographic research method case studies 9 of 10 Nomothetic research method experiments 10 of 10
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