Islam - Beliefs

Tawhid -
The oneness of Allah
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Risalah -
2 of 24
Sunni - 6 Articles of faith -
Tawhid / Malaikah - Angels / Kitub - Holy books / Risalah - Prophethood / Akhirah - Afterlife / Al Qadr - Predestination
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5 Roots of Religion -
Tawhid / Adalat - Justice / Nubuwwah - God sent prophets and Muhammad / Imamate - Religious leaders / Qatamat - Resurrection on judgment day
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Nature of Allah -
Immanent / Transcendent / omniscient / Beneficent / Merciful / Creator
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Evidence for the Nature of Allah -
The 99 names of Allah in the Qur'an
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What is the sin of Shirk -
Worshiping a false idol other that Allah / It is also shirk to depict Allah or Muhammad
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What is Fitrah -
A natural instinct that everyone is born with to follow Allah
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What is Tawqa -
An understanding of God
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What are Hanifs -
People before Muhammad who rejected beliefs of idols to worship Allah
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Risalah - Prophethood
Allah communicates with humans through prophets / Muhammad is final and greatest prophet / Around 124000 / Most prophets had their messages corrupted / Prophets are sinless
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Prophet Adam -
Allah made Adam from the soil and put him in paradise / Adam was Allah's kalipha on Earth
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Prophet Ibrahim -
Rejected polytheism / refused temptation / Willing to sacrifice Ishmail (his son)
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Prophet Musa -
Saves Israelites / revealed the Tawrat (Torah) but it was corrupted
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Prophet Dawud -
Israel's Greatest King / Received zabur (Psalms)
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Prophet Isa -
Received Injil (Gospels) / Performed Miracles / Allah took him to heaven
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Night of Power -
Angel Jibril Found Muhammad in the cave and first revealed Allah's revelation / Beginning of the Qur'an
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Night Journey -
Muhammad Taken to heaven with Allah and all other prophets / Taught how to pray
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Muhammad -
Final and Greatest Prophet / perfect example / Preached Islam / Gained followers as well as opposition / Re dedicated the Qar ba to Allah
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Malaikah -
No free will / Follow Allah's command / Sinless / Communicate with humans / Israfil - Blows the trumpet on judgment day / Jibril - Revelation / Raqib and Atid - Record deeds / Munkar and Nakir - Question you before judgment
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Qur'an -
Direct word of Allah / Unchanged / Stays in Arabic / A guide to a good life
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Hadith -
Sayings of Prophet Muhammad / Important example for Muslims
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Akhirah -
Afterlife / Mortal life is a test / Signs = disobedience to Allah / Souls are resurrected / Barzakh - waiting / Niyyah - intentions / Jannah - heaven / Juhannum - Hell
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Al Qadr -
Predestination / No human know God's greater plan / Insha'Allah - if God is willing / free will is judged / Life is a test for the afterlife
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Other cards in this set

Card 2




Risalah -

Card 3


Tawhid / Malaikah - Angels / Kitub - Holy books / Risalah - Prophethood / Akhirah - Afterlife / Al Qadr - Predestination


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Tawhid / Adalat - Justice / Nubuwwah - God sent prophets and Muhammad / Imamate - Religious leaders / Qatamat - Resurrection on judgment day


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Card 5


Immanent / Transcendent / omniscient / Beneficent / Merciful / Creator


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