Is Sociology A Science?
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- Created by: FatCat3
- Created on: 19-07-22 18:25
which sociologists see it as a science?
Durkheim and Comte (positivists)
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what do positivists believe?
that scientific methods can be sued to study social facts and laws
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what do interpretivists believe?
that it should not be a science as humans have an agency (unpredictable phenomena)
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what is science based on?
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what does a usual scientific procedure follow?
pose a question- conduct background research- create a hypothesis- test with experiments- analyse data and form conclusions- reviewed by peers-published (^)
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what are the arguments that sociology is a science?
positivists believe its possible to establish objective facts through scientific research methods
good sociologists follow the scientific procedure^
variables are then able to be tested to understand impact of social features
good sociologists follow the scientific procedure^
variables are then able to be tested to understand impact of social features
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name the evaluations for the case for yes
-interpretivists + post modernists believe this misunderstands nature of society/ human behaviour
-popper argued that positivists failed to be scientific because it uses inductive reasoning-
-popper argued that positivists failed to be scientific because it uses inductive reasoning-
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continuing w previous card
-instead of deductive, it also only has evidence to support an argument, not counter it (falsification) ie the all white swans theory
-methods may not be valid ie key concepts are hard to operationalised, so its harder to measure
-methods may not be valid ie key concepts are hard to operationalised, so its harder to measure
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what are the arguments that sociology isn't a science?
interpretivists think study of human society is beyond empirical methods, and that thoughts, emotions, values, etc cant be directly observed
they argue it shouldn't try to be a science as humans aren't scientific elements, each human is-
they argue it shouldn't try to be a science as humans aren't scientific elements, each human is-
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continuing w previous card
unique and has an agency to make their own decisions
they believe positivists try to stop things from being real
post modernists also say s cant be scientific-
they believe positivists try to stop things from being real
post modernists also say s cant be scientific-
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continuing w previous card
-as it creates meta narratives with no actual validity
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name the evaluations for this
-if not a science, what is it, does it bring use then?
-storytelling isn't just journalism, it creates possible concepts and ideas
-Webber says. to approach it objectively, while considering subjective views
-storytelling isn't just journalism, it creates possible concepts and ideas
-Webber says. to approach it objectively, while considering subjective views
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what are the arguments for sociology as a third way?
Kuhn says the way ppl see science isn't accurate as science isn't purely objective, there is a particular paradigm, as long as its included with radical science (mainstream science)
so he argues s isn't as mainstream as science as it-
so he argues s isn't as mainstream as science as it-
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continuing w previous card
-hasnt found an unifying paradigm but it could be a better science in the future
post modernists agree, ie scientists are funded by bodies for a specific interest in results
post modernists agree, ie scientists are funded by bodies for a specific interest in results
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what is also argued and who argues it?
popper has 2 main questions:
1)what is it that distinguishes scientific knowledge from other forms of knowledge?
2)why has scientific knowledge even able to grown so quickly in a few centuries?
1)what is it that distinguishes scientific knowledge from other forms of knowledge?
2)why has scientific knowledge even able to grown so quickly in a few centuries?
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whats fallacy of induction?
fallacy- error, induction- observations to making general laws
popper differs from positivism as he reflects the views that the feature of science loves in reasoning and verficationsim, but rlly theories-
popper differs from positivism as he reflects the views that the feature of science loves in reasoning and verficationsim, but rlly theories-
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continuing w previous card
cant be proved by doing more tests as one observation of smthn else can disprove this (ie all white swan theory)
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what is falsficationism and who talks about it?
a scientfifc statement is something that is capable of being falsified/ proved wrong by evidence, popper argues a good theory has 2 features;
1. when falsified, it stands up to all disproving statements-
1. when falsified, it stands up to all disproving statements-
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continuing w previous card is bold, covers wide variety of ideas and cases/events which have a higher chance of being falsified
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what is the truth and who talks about it?
popper claims that there can never be full proof of anything being true, so a good theory isn't true but rather one that attempts to withhold falsification
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what must happen in order for a theory to be falsified?
criticisms/open society;
-a theory has to be open to criticisms
-public activity
-allows for better theories to come about, which is why scientific knowledge grows quickly
-a theory has to be open to criticisms
-public activity
-allows for better theories to come about, which is why scientific knowledge grows quickly
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name the evaluations
-popper thinks much s is unscientific as it consists of a theory that cannot to be put to test
+but s can be scientific if it produces hypothesis
+also popper rejects the idea of marxism, he believes the idea is still falsifiable
+but s can be scientific if it produces hypothesis
+also popper rejects the idea of marxism, he believes the idea is still falsifiable
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
what do positivists believe?
that scientific methods can be sued to study social facts and laws
Card 3
what do interpretivists believe?

Card 4
what is science based on?

Card 5
what does a usual scientific procedure follow?

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