Where there is no equality of provision or opportunity. Where human rights are ignored
1 of 6
Being considered of the same strength or character as part of the human race. Being treated in the same way and not discriminated against, as all are part of Gods creation.
2 of 6
Right or power over others. In religion this could be a priest or religious leader. The teachings or rules that should be obeyed.
3 of 6
The way a person sees themselves - where they belong. Personality and character - each person is unique.
4 of 6
Judging another person before you know anything about them, or have any evidence. Disliking someone or something for no good reason. Religions teach people are equal.
5 of 6
Treating people differently because of race, gender, religion, class etc. Failing to treat people as fellow human beings and part of Gods creation.
6 of 6
Other cards in this set
Card 2
Being considered of the same strength or character as part of the human race. Being treated in the same way and not discriminated against, as all are part of Gods creation.
Card 3
Right or power over others. In religion this could be a priest or religious leader. The teachings or rules that should be obeyed.
Card 4
The way a person sees themselves - where they belong. Personality and character - each person is unique.
Card 5
Judging another person before you know anything about them, or have any evidence. Disliking someone or something for no good reason. Religions teach people are equal.
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