What was the Act of Union and when was it put forward?
It was introduced in 1800 and constitutionally united Ireland with the rest of Great Britain
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What happened in Ireland between 1845-51?
The potato crop failed and the Irish depended heavily on potatoes as a source of food and income. Around 1 million people died because of it and 2 million emigrated.Britain failed to take any action to help Ireland which angered many.
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What was the issue surrounding absentee landowners?
Many Irish farmers rented land from British landowners. Their tenancies were often unstable and they had few rights.This links with the issue of home rule as it lead many to believe that the British weren't working with their interests at heart.
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How did Lord Salisbury try to "kill Home Rule with kindness" in its early stages?
Between 1886-92 he gave tenants the opportunity to take out loans so that they could buy out their landlords. Hoped it would reduce the problem of absentee landowners.
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Who were the Irish Republican Brotherhood and what did they stand for?
They were a republican group who demanded independence from Britain. They were prepared to use violent and more radical methods to do this.
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These were the northern counties of Ireland, they were the more protestant areas of Ireland
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Who was Charles Stewart Parnell?
Leader of the Irish National Party between 1880 and 1891
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What caused divisions in the Irish National Party?
Parnell caused controversy when he got involved with a married woman and got divorced. This split the party, and before the issue could be resolved he died, leaving the party in chaos
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What factors caused the issue of Home Rule to temporarily fade in the 1890s?
Divisions in the Irish National Party, the defeat of two home rule bills, and the resignation of Gladstone.
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Who was James Connolly?
A socialist and trade union organiser. He believed that Irish Independence was essential if Ireland were to ever reach the stage at which a socialist state could be established.
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What does "Sinn Fein" mean?
Ourselves alone
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Who were the Irish Republican Brotherhood?
An organisation with no clearly defined political philosophy, and they didn't support socialism or capitalism.
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What were the terms of the Third Home Rule Bill?
Form an Irish parliament with a House of Commons and a Senate with limited powers. 42 Irish MPs still sat at Westminster. Ulster was to be included in the new Home Rule Parliament
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When was the Third Irish Home Rule bill introduced?
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How did the Nationalists respond to the Third Home Rule bill?
They considered it as being unacceptable and thought that it should only be seen as a starting point for the INP members.
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What rights did Gladstone bring forward in 1870 and 1882?
Greater tenancy rights which included protection from unfair rents and gave people the opportunity to sell on their tenancy as a business
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What was the Ulster problem?
The people in the North of Ireland (Ulster) were mostly Protestant while those in the South were mostly Catholic. The protestants in Ulster rioted against home rule, as they didn't want to be ruled by the Catholics in the South.
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What lead to the resurgence in the demand for Home Rule?
A rise in Irish Nationalism and a strengthening of cultural identity
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What was Wyndham's Act?
Also known as the Land Act, it ended landlordism in Ireland
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What took Irish Home Rule out of the governments focus?
After the Liberal victory in 1906, more focus was put on social reforms
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
What happened in Ireland between 1845-51?
The potato crop failed and the Irish depended heavily on potatoes as a source of food and income. Around 1 million people died because of it and 2 million emigrated.Britain failed to take any action to help Ireland which angered many.
Card 3
What was the issue surrounding absentee landowners?
Card 4
How did Lord Salisbury try to "kill Home Rule with kindness" in its early stages?
Card 5
Who were the Irish Republican Brotherhood and what did they stand for?
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