Introduction to Aromatic Chemistry 0.0 / 5 ? ChemistryArenesA2/A-levelOCR Created by: mgb495Created on: 02-11-13 10:31 Define aromatic Any compound containing a benzene ring 1 of 10 Define carcinogen A chemical believed or known to cause cancer 2 of 10 What did Michael Faraday do in 1825? Isolated benzene as a by-product and determined the empirical formula of CH 3 of 10 What did Eilhard Mitscherlich do in 1834? Found the relative formula mass of benzene to be 78 and the molecular formula C6H6 4 of 10 In what year did Kekule suggest his structure? 1865 5 of 10 What was Kekule's structure of benzene? A 6 carbon ring joined by alternate single and double bonds 6 of 10 Give 2 natural sources of aromatic compounds Crude oil and coal 7 of 10 Name some compounds that can easily be made from benzene Phenol, cyclohexane, ethylbenzene 8 of 10 Define empirical formula The lowest whole number ratio of atoms present in a molecule 9 of 10 Define molecular formula The number of atoms of each element present in a molecule 10 of 10
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