Introduction to Management Accounting

  • Created by: sdopare
  • Created on: 26-01-17 15:09
Three Syllabus Strands
1, Cost Assignment and pricing, 2. Infrmation for decision making, 3. Budgetary control and performance evaluation
1 of 5
Management Accounting
Provides information for managers of an organisation who direct and control its operations.
2 of 5
Financial Accounting
provides information to shareholders, creditors and others who are outside the organisation
3 of 5
Cost Object
Any activity for which a separate measure of cost is required (e.g. Cost of a product, cost of rendering a service)
4 of 5
Direct Costs
Any cost which can be specifically and exclusively identifies with a particular cost
5 of 5

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Card 2


Provides information for managers of an organisation who direct and control its operations.


Management Accounting

Card 3


provides information to shareholders, creditors and others who are outside the organisation


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Card 4


Any activity for which a separate measure of cost is required (e.g. Cost of a product, cost of rendering a service)


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Card 5


Any cost which can be specifically and exclusively identifies with a particular cost


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