Introduction to EU- Key information 4.0 / 5 based on 1 rating ? LawEU Law and PolicyUniversityOther Created by: HopeCreated on: 12-04-16 20:52 What year was the EEC founded? 1957 1 of 28 How many states were in the EEC when it was founded? 6 2 of 28 What were the main purposes of the EEC? Peace, Stability and Economic Growth 3 of 28 What happened to the EEC? It became the EU 4 of 28 What is the name of the most recent treaty? Lisbon 5 of 28 What four things comprise the EU's economic models? Free trade, Customs Union, Common Market, Economic and Monetary Union 6 of 28 What is the EU's legal order based on? Treaties 7 of 28 What kind of legislation do the treaties form? Primary Legislation 8 of 28 Who agrees the treaties? Member States 9 of 28 What two things complement the treaties? Secondary Legislation and Case Law 10 of 28 What year was the treaty of Rome? 1957 11 of 28 What year was the Single European Act passed? 1986 12 of 28 What did the Single European Act do? Re-Launch the Single Market as an amendment 13 of 28 What did Maastricht do? Establish the EU and rename EEC as a 'pillar' within the EU 14 of 28 What year was the Treaty of Amsterdam? 1997 15 of 28 What did Amsterdam do? Amend the Pillar Structure 16 of 28 What year was the Treaty of Nice? 2000 17 of 28 What did Nice do? Prepare for further enlargement 18 of 28 What was wrong with the Nice Treaty? It was an unhappy compromise to put the Eastern Bloc states in the EU 19 of 28 What year was the treaty of Lisbon? 2009 20 of 28 What were the political problems after Nice? Dispute over direction of the EU - social or market? 21 of 28 What was the attitude concerning constitutionalisation of the EU? Conflicted 22 of 28 What year was the EU Constitutional Treaty Ratified? It was never ratified 23 of 28 What was the Lisbon treaty trying to compromise for? Failure of the EU Constitutional Treaty 24 of 28 Which states were included "last-minute" in the Lisbon treaty? Czech Republic and Poland 25 of 28 What did the UK negotiate for "last-minute" in Lisbon? "opt-outs" over parts of the charter 26 of 28 What were the 3 pillars of the EU? EEC, Common Foreign and Security Policy + Police and Judicial Cooperation in Criminal Matters 27 of 28 Which treaty introduced the pillars? Maastricht 28 of 28