the idea that humans are unique and each person is different, so instead of trying to make generalisations about the whole population, sociology should try to understand individuals
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whats positivism?
the idea that generalisations should be made and that there shouldn't be the study of individuals, but rather collected populations because thats what applies to the real world.
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what method does interpretivism believe in?
qualitative, rich, insights to people, subjective
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what method does positivism believe in?
quantitative, objective, factual
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what 2 things does interpretivism believe in?
Verstehen- empathetic understanding of human behaviours
social construction- things are created by society and not naturally
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what 2 types of interpretivism exists?
interactionism- no need for hypothesis before a research as there is a risk researchers then impose own views on to it- Glaser + Strauss
phenomenology + ethnomethodology- believe that society has shared meanings and want to find out what it is
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what positivisms believe for it?
social facts- things such as institutions constrain the individual
induction- involves accumulating data through observation
causality- rs between cause and effect
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which sociologists argue for positivism?
p- Durkheim
I- weber, bulmer
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main differences between natural sciences v sociology?
-causation vs meanings and interpretations
-observable phenomena vs unobservable
-external stimuli vs conscious beings/ free will
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What's value free?
value free is when researchers keep their own biases or personal opinions/beliefs out of the way of the research they will be investigating
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what are interactionists and what do they believe?
interactionist sociologists argue that subjective views are needed to be found on their topics while remaining objective
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what are evaluations on value free?
-marxism and feminism believes that you should have a reason to why you are conducting something to make society better, like a political stance so value free is inevitable
-post modernists think its impossible as everyone has values-
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continuing w pervious card
-which influence what people do
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Other cards in this set
Card 2
whats positivism?
the idea that generalisations should be made and that there shouldn't be the study of individuals, but rather collected populations because thats what applies to the real world.
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