Intelligence 0.0 / 5 ? PsychologyDevelopmental PsychologyUniversityNone Created by: erin.hastieCreated on: 12-01-23 16:28 Issues with intelligence tests They favour groups from more affluent backgrounds (use toys only from western backgrounds) 1 of 12 What is an example of a non-verbal test? Raven's Progressive Matrices 2 of 12 What is a phenotype? Observable properties that are genetic and environmental that can be measured to understand intelligence 3 of 12 What distribution does intelligence show? Normal distribution 4 of 12 What is a single construct in terms of intelligence A single construct influences all cognitive functions 5 of 12 What is fluid intelligence Cognitive functioning is genetic and innate, meaning it is fixed throughout life 6 of 12 What is crystalised intelligence Stored factual information that increases throughout life through lived experiences 7 of 12 What evidence supports genes determine intelligence? Identical twins reared together show a 0.86 correlation 8 of 12 What evidence supports the environment determines intelligence Eldaro- Family quality ratings at 24 months was correlated with IQ at 3 years 9 of 12 What is the transactional process Intelligent children provoke an intelligent response that potentially feeds their development 10 of 12 Which is not a popular conception about IQ Waston & Gray- Kids who exercised showed higher IQ 11 of 12 What is the flynn effect IQ has increased over time due to improvements in education and diet 12 of 12
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